Power BI – Archived Workspace

To collaborate with coworkers, one can create spaces by collecting dashboards, reports, and paginated reports. Additionally, we can put that collection together as an app and make it accessible to additional users if we so desire. We can employ the workspace roles of Admin, Member, Contributor, and Viewer for flexible rights control. Contact lists specify who needs to be informed about activities in the workplace. Workspaces allow you to create template apps. Template apps are those that you can offer to customers outside of your business. These customers can then connect to their own data using your template app. Dataset sharing is also possible between workspaces. Upon which one can study shared datasets.


Advantages of Archived Workspaces

To develop collections of dashboards, reports, datasets, and paginated reports, colleagues can work together in workspaces. Anyone may sign up for Power BI and quickly start using the administration. After that, the IT department of your association may take over the management of Power BI for association clients. If this takeover occurs, you will benefit from centralized management of your association’s clients and consents, and you may be able to take advantage of simplified sign-in using the same username and secret key you use for other association administrations.

Any content you created before your IT department took over Power BI will be stored in a Power BI Archived Workspace that can be accessed from the left navigation of Power BI. You should start creating new Power BI material in My Workspace, which is the foundation and controlled by the IT department of your association. Your Power BI Archived Workspace will continue to be accessible.

Confinements in Power BI Archived Workspace

Nothing will be removed from your Power BI Archived Workspace. Data can be obtained continuously, used to create reports and dashboards, and refreshed into datasets. Existing users that you have shared content with will currently be able to access that content in their Archived Workspace. There are several restrictions on the data in your Power BI Archived Workspace, 


  • Datasets in your Power BI Archived Workspace cannot be retrieved or revived from OneDrive for Business ever again. You will receive an alert in the unlikely event that you attempt to connect with this source.
  • From your Power BI Archived Workspace, you cannot share dashboards with other clients. Clients who are currently approaching will continue to be able to access shared dashboards by visiting their Archived Workspace.
  • In your Power BI Archived Workspace, you are unable to create groupings.
  • Although you can still view web material in your Power BI Archived Workspace, it won’t ever again appear.

Moving content in Power BI Archived Workspace

You must create the new content in your My Workspace, which is managed by your IT department, in order to continue using Power BI. Plan to transfer any content from your Archived Workspace to your My Workspace as well. The type of content will determine how it is moved, 


  • Desktop Datasets for Power BI or Excel: By switching from your Archived Workspace to My Workspace and tapping the “My Data” catch on the Excel or Power BI Desktop record, you can migrate these datasets. If you set up a scheduled invigorate, you should adjust those settings in My Workspace for the new dataset.
  • Various different Datasets: To reconnect to other datasets you created in your Archived Workspace, switch to My Workspace and then press the Get Data button. You might have to provide security or association information.
  • Available in Reports: When you re-transfer the contrasting Excel or Power BI Desktop record or reconnect to the substance pack, reports that are contained in Excel or Power BI Desktop documents or reports that are introduced as a significant component of substance packs will thereafter reproduce. If you created custom reports using the Power BI feature, you should duplicate those reports in your My Workspace.
  • From Dashboards: When you reconnect to the substance pack in My Workspace, dashboards added as a feature of substance packs will afterward reproduce. If you created custom dashboards using the Power BI feature, you should duplicate those dashboards in your My Workspace.

Office 365’s Power BI Archived Workspace

When you create a workspace, Power BI doesn’t secretly create a Microsoft 365 group. Power BI is used for all workspace administration. Even so, having a OneDrive connected to the workspace might be helpful. If you would like, you can control user access to content using Microsoft 365 groups. In the workplace access list, you add a Microsoft 365 group.

Microsoft 365 group membership and permissions for users or groups having access to the workspace are not synchronized by Power BI. They can be synchronized by: managing file storage through the same Microsoft 365 group that you used to configure workspace access. Content from Power BI can also be kept in OneDrive for Business. You can set up a Microsoft 365 group so that workspace users have access to the SharePoint Document Library file storage through the Workspace OneDrive function in workspaces. The group is created independently of Power BI.