Power BI – Rename a Dataset in Workspace

In this article, we will learn how to a rename data set, in a workspace in Power BI

What is a Workspace?

A workspace can be considered a container, where everything related to a report is stored. For example, the data set, report, dashboard, workbook, and its pages. 

Following are the steps to open a workspace: 

Step 1: Go to the power bi online service, or you can search power bi online. 


Step 2: Now, the home page of power bi Microsoft will appear. Click on the Sign In button, and the home page of the power bi online service appears. 


Step 3: Click on the workspace icon, as shown in the image below. Then, click on the My Workspace button. 


Step 4: All, the reports published on the power bi online service, will be visible here. 


Renaming a DataSet in a Workspace

We will rename a report, name better_coder to Beginner_for_Beginner

Step 1: Click on the three dots that appeared, on the right side of the better_coder. A drop-down appears. Click on the Rename, option. 


Step 2: On the right side of the page, a new window is opened,  name settings for better_coder. You can see the data set name is better_coder


Step 3:  Rename the name of the dataset to Beginner_for_Beginner. Click on the Save button. 


Step 4: You will revert back to my workspace. You will observe that the name of the better_coder is changed to Beginner_for_Beginner