Practice Test Based on Judgement

Directions (Q1-12): Each question presents a situation and asks you to make a judgement regarding that particular circumstance. Choose an answer based on the given circumstance.

Que 1. The director wants to choose the role of a thief for a film. He wants to select the person who exactly matches the screenplay described in the script. There is a person named Khali who has notorious features, dark eyes wheatish complexion and is tall also. But he has to choose among the three people who have some matches with Khali. Whom we would he choose?

(a) Person 1 is 6.5 feet tall with dark eyes and a brown complexion.

(b) Person 2 is 5.6 feet tall with a dark complexion and blue eyes.

(c) Person 3 is 5.11 feet tall smart, has dark eyes, and is notorious with a wheatish complexion

Solution: Obviously from the statements given he would choose person 3 as it fits the requirement of the complexion, notorious and tall.
Hence option (c) will be the correct choice.

Que 2. The engineering college proctor marked some mechanical engineering students ragging the newly admitted students. He went to the classes to end such happenings during college, so he asked the faculties to watch closely such acts. Which act should faculties report to the principal?

(a) A girl sitting on a bench and reading books and not talking to anyone.

(b) Four boys are surrounding another girl and making her backpack.

(c) Two boys moving with their eyes down and fighting over lunch.

(d) Boys and girls just do their studies and do not interact with each other.

Solution: From the tip of the main clause for judgement-based, statement (c) clearly supports it as they are making a backpack of a girl and it creates suspicion in minds that might be ragging going on.

Que 3. Mrs. Jennie went to a park to meet her childhood buddies. She enjoyed it a lot over there the whole day but she left her purse over there having all the credit cards and debit cards and some money. They remembered the park but since there was no CCTV so it was hard to find her purse. What can be the best possible way to get her purse back?

(a) Her friends went to the park and searched for the place where the purse was but it took 45 minutes to reach there again.

(b) Jennie’s one close friend’s relative lived very close to that place so her friend asked her friend to go and look and collect the purse from there.

(c) She called the park authorities as soon as she realized that she has left her purse on the bench.

(d) She went on her own as she realized she has left her purse.

Solution: The most appropriate option is (c) which states that call the park authorities as soon as possible because they are the closest to anyhow reach the bench and know whether anyone has taken it from there or not.


Que 4. My mother is looking for a good tutor for maths. She wants to choose a teacher who is very experienced in teaching irrespective of his records. Although good records can be an added advantage. But teachers must be good at teaching and adaptable to the child’s capability.

(a) Arun sir is a smart teacher having 5 years of teaching and is from a town area with a not very good background. 

(b) Sahu sir is very good at teaching with no experience and a good background.

(c) Honey sir uses an analytical approach for teaching with a rich experience and good background.

Solution: Obviously all the qualities are in the third statement i.e., therefore, we shall choose (c).


Ques 5. Mayank has invited his three friends to watch his table tennis match. During his match, everyone felt hungry and no one wants to leave the table. All of them argued that who should go for the collection of food and a commercial pizza person comes for the delivery. The code is to be shared for the collection of pizza and they forgot the code which is a three-digit number. We have to find what can be the code number.

a) All of them agreed that the code is 885.

b) Three of them agree that the last number is 5.

c) Two agreed that the second number is 8.

d) One of them agreed that there are two repeated digits.

Solution: To judge the exact answer two of the statements exactly match i.e. 1 and 4. As the code for collection is to be a three-digit number and two out of three are repeated digits, therefore, options a and d match the paragraph in the question given. But the best option is Option (a)


Que 6. During the time of corona Prachi set up her confectionary business and her business was obviously slow. She hired a consultant to increase her sales and grow her business. The consultant did a market survey and came to know her shop is not thought of by the population as a daily visit shop but rather as visiting on a special occasion. What strategy should Prachi apply to increase her sales?

a) Coupon distribution which helps customers to get a discount on buying anything over 300 Rs.

b) Exhibiting her shop’s product in any event organized in the city or college.

c) Placing the order at less than the market rate.

d) Advertising her shop’s products in newspapers.

Solution: Option (d) looks like the best judgement as it will showcase the exact worth of the products to a large number of people.


Que 7.  During Mali has got a project in the robotics field and at the start itself, one of the professors from another department criticized her and gave a negative feedback about her. First time in her life she faced such an act and she always received positive feedback since it was playing in her mind so she was very keen to know others’ opinions. What can be thought in mind? Choose the most effective answer.

a) Mali tried to improve her image and tried to convince the professor from the other department that in past also she acted in the same way and she got success.

b) Ask the professor about the negative feedback and the reason why he gives her negative feedback.

c) Ask other co -faculties who sit with him about the feedback and improvement if required.

d) To study more and more and try to come up with a conclusion.

Solution: We have to look for other co-professors feedback and look for any improvement if required. This is the best judgement as others don’t strongly support the question. Asking the professor directly will not help as it may sound disrespectful. Rest two options do not follow. Option (c).


Que 8. Dr. B.P.singh has opened a big hospital in Lucknow by the name of midland healthcare. He needs a good administrator to look after his hospital. The last two administrators were experienced but they lasted only for three months. He needs an urgent administrator so that he can freely look after the patients. Which of the following candidates Dr. B.P. Singh must consider seriously?

(a) Dusen is about to retire from a hospital and he is been working there for 15 years. He is the best in the business according to the employer.

(b) Gaurav recently graduated from one of the top institutes in the medical field. Prior to this, he worked as a daycare intern.

(c) Khare has worked as an administrator in Medanta for 4 years. He is very much interested in switching now for an increase in salary.

(d) Utkarsh is experienced in working as an administrator also he topped during his graduation.

Solution: Option (a) suits the best judgement as he has 15 years of experience, working as an administrator and he is the best in the business.


Que 9. Mr. Butler recently shifted to America. She wants to fill his backyard with a lot of flowers and plants. Although he is an experienced gardener he isn’t well equipped with the weather and conditions of America. She has big trees at his place but then also he has no idea which plants will thrive in this weather where less sunlight comes. Which one should Butler choose?

(a) The conditions are favourable in the northeast of the garden. it includes a variety of colourful flowers that can thrive in the cool conditions of America.

(b) The greenery will blossom year after year if put in bright conditions and watered regularly.

(c) The lush green trees will blossom in these cool conditions along with flowers which shall blossom in shady locations also.

(d) The oasis location includes a variety of perennials that blossom in a thriving climate and bright sunlight.

Solution: The lush green trees are the ultimate choice as they can thrive in shady conditions. Rest all options blossom in sunlight conditions that do not match the statement. Therefore, option (c) is the best judgement.


Que 10. Tom is looking for a place to open his spa. He is looking for a place which is not too far from the city neither too close, to the centre of town and one that would attract the right kind of traffic. Which of the following locations will Tom look for?

(a) A saloon in a place where childless professionals, mostly youngsters roam about the train stations situated in a new high-rise building.

(b) A saloon three blocks away from the town’s main street, located across from the elementary school and next is the gym nearby.

(c) A silent saloon from the main street which is 5 blocks away.

(d) Close to an alcoholic beverage bar where the dancers come.

Solution: Obviously the most attractive place will be (b) as their gym is also nearby and it is nearby from the main street. Last option many would think but that is not a good place for the spa to take as people who don’t like drinking will not get attracted. Options c and a can never be adjudged as supportive of the statement.


Que 11. For her radio program Seema Rockerz, Seema is hiring a radio DJ. The emphasis of the program is on the problems and concerns that older people encounter. She is seeking someone who is passionate and committed. She receives a lot of excellent applications. Every night between 11 and 12 o’clock, the live show will be shown. Which of the following applicants would be a good fit for the position of radio jockey?

(a) A 17-year-old named Ravi has completed his studies and will take a year off from school. He enjoys his job as a radio personality and is available to work all night.

(b) Mukesh is a college student who has the flexibility to work late hours. In order to pay for his schooling, Mukesh works during his free time at an old age home close to his college.

(c) Sita is a 67-year-old woman who has mild Alzheimer’s disease. She is the leader of the community’s Alzheimer’s support group.

(d) Doctor Ali, 34, has committed his professional life to serving the elderly. Ali will be accessible for two hours every evening; he works at the bone and joint hospital for the elderly.

Solution: On the basis of judgement option D person Ali fits for the job as he is passionate to serve the elderly people and is a committed professional he is available for two hours daily in the evening time at the bone and joint hospital.


Que 12.  A school’s teachers want to conduct an essay contest. The essay’s subject ought to be one that is relevant to the national debate currently taking place. They also aim to draw attention to environmental problems. Which of the ensuing subjects is appropriate for the test?

(a) Act on New Forest Policy.

(b) Future Elections and the Probable Results.

(c) Drought And Its Avoidance.

(d) Elections For Panchayats And Farmer Issues.

Solution: Since the statements in the question talk about environmental issues then the best-adjudged option will be (a) i.e. New forest policy act.


Direction: (Q13-15): In the following questions a passage is given and you have to judge the best option among the choices given that will follow the passage.

Que 13. Passage:

 In order to provide you with the chance to learn more about the technical aspect of the manufacturing industry where you are working, you are on a placement working with a team of specialists. Your mentor has requested you to find a means to make this technical knowledge more broadly available to other employees of the company who have struggled to understand it. Being up to date with the most recent technology can be difficult in this field because of how quickly it changes. Consider your strategy carefully, keeping in mind that there are numerous sites spread out across the nation and that the technical team has a bad reputation for poor communication and distancing itself from the larger company.

a) Request from your mentor a list of individuals who would profit from more training. Email these individuals to invite them to a webinar you will be hosting on a variety of dates. Ask your mentor if you could do this once a year to keep everyone’s knowledge current.

b) Inform all department heads through email that you can provide their staff with additional technical training, and provide a range of pre-scheduled dates for them to pick from. Tell your mentor that this has to be a key component of new starting orientations.

c) Agree to create a brief report outlining the most important technological advancements that have an impact on the company’s manufacturing procedures. 

d) 4) Propose the formation of a group called the “new technology forum” that has regular meetings. Offer to preside over it and invite important technical team members and representatives from all business areas. The group’s mandate will be to consistently spread knowledge more extensively throughout the business.

Solution: Option (d) stands to be true.  This strategy encourages the technical staff to improve relationships and communicate with other departments of the company in addition to getting information to people who need it. Their profile will improve and they won’t need you to spread information for them anymore. Departmental representatives will make sure that the information is distributed throughout the entire company. Rest options cannot be the best judgement as all ignore the importance of improving relations.

Que 14. Passage

You have been in charge of a significant and well-known project for your company. Although there were some difficult challenges to overcome, you and your team were able to successfully work around and go over every problem that sprang up. Although it is now obvious that the project will be completed on schedule and within budget, your manager has just informed you that a regional meeting has been moved up by one day. This would be an excellent opportunity to discuss the project’s results with some influential figures from the company.
The team has already been stretched thin and put under a great deal of pressure, and you are pleased with what they have accomplished so far.

a) Explain to your management that the project has already had a significant impact on the team and that adding more pressure now could have a negative impact. Say that while the complete results won’t be ready at that time, you could present an interim update at the regional conference.

b) Inform your manager that you would ask the team to use all available resources to complete the project a day early so that the outcomes can be ready for the regional meeting. Describe how you will try your best to support them as needed in these last stages despite the fact that they have already been under a lot of pressure.

c) Suggest to your management that you would try, to the best of your ability, to deliver the project a day early, but that you can’t promise it because the team has been working really hard and you can’t guarantee delivery a day early.

d) Inform your manager that the team is under pressure and that the project plan is already quite constrained. Explain that you will need additional resources if you want to provide them any sooner. The job can be completed a day earlier if you can gain access to a different person.

Solution: Option (d) stands best. This demonstrates to your manager that you are up for the task and that you are confident in your ability to give your team the extra help they may require. This reaction demonstrates that employers are searching for graduates who have drive and resiliency.

Que 15. Passage

At the bank where you work, you have been in charge of a small group of customer service representatives who answer incoming calls on a daily basis. You have been leading your team for six months, and throughout that time, you have been extremely happy with the work they have produced. You also believe that the new procedures you have implemented have shortened call times and raised customer satisfaction levels.
However, your manager recently informed you at a supervisor’s meeting that incoming client representatives would henceforth be in charge of handling customer inquiries as well as cross-selling goods and services. This is a part of a larger effort to increase sales of imported goods and services that have not had great success.

You worry that the team will react poorly to being forced to try to cross-sell because this isn’t what they were originally hired to do and that this would negatively affect the key performance indicators your team is judged against. How would you handle the predicament?

a) Be sure to politely voice your concerns at the meeting so that the managers in charge of the cross-selling program may consider the potential harm to the customer service representatives and their current performance indicators.

b) Explain the new initiative to your team again, expressing your worries about the potential effects, and asking them to come up with solutions to prevent them from happening.

c) After the meeting, request a private meeting with your manager to voice your worries about the changes and their potential effects on your team. By doing so, you can consult them before creating a strategy to put their ideas into practice.

 d) Consider the effects the modifications will have on the team, and then modify your current plans and procedures to lessen any potential drawbacks. Once you are satisfied with your idea, return to the team and announce the new project.

Solution: Option (d) stands for the best judgement. This response suggests that you are comfortable with change. Whilst we do not always agree with changes in our workplace, we often have to find ways to work with the changes and to consider their implications on the wider business, not just the impact they may have on us or our immediate team.