List of Provinces and Territories of Canada

List of Provinces and Territories of Canada: Canada is comprised of 10 provinces and 3 territories. Canada is the second-largest country in the world by land area. Although provinces and territories of Canada are both sub-national divisions, they differ in constitutional status, autonomy, representation in Parliament, population, size, government structure, and resource control.

Provinces have more autonomy, larger populations, and control over their resources, while territories have less autonomy, smaller populations, and limited control over resources. Together these regions contribute to the diverse cultural, geographical, and economic landscape of the nation.

In this article, we will look into the list of provinces and territories of Canada along with their capital cities.

Table of Content

  • About Provinces and Territories of Canada
  • List of Provinces and Territories of Canada
  • Alberta
  • British Columbia
  • Manitoba
  • New Brunswick
  • Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Nova Scotia
  • Ontario
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Quebec
  • Saskatchewan
  • Northwest Territories
  • Nunavut
  • Yukon

About Provinces and Territories of Canada

The provinces of Canada include Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Islands, Quebec City, Saskatchewan, and Ontario. These divisions have greater autonomy and enjoy self-governance in a broad range of areas that include healthcare, education, transportation, and natural resources. They also have representation in the federal Parliament, which allows them to participate in national decision-making processes and contribute to shaping federal policies and legislation.

Whereas the territories of Canada include, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and Yukon. These territories have a limited degree of self-governance and depend on the decision of the federal government in certain matters. These divisions have a lesser population and have experienced lesser urbanization than in the case of provinces.

List of Provinces and Territories of Canada

The List of 10 provinces and 3 territories of Canada along with their capitals are given in the table below:

Sub National Division

Provinces and Territories





British Columbia




New Brunswick


New Foundland and Labrador

St. John’s

Nova Scotia




Prince Edward Island


Quebec City

Quebec City




Northwest Territories







Alberta is known for its immense diversity of flora and fauna. Alberta’s diverse landscape stretches from boreal forests in the north, and grasslands in the south, to mountainous regions in the west.

  • Location: Western Part of Canada
  • Size: 661,848 sq. km
  • Population: 4.4 million
  • Capital City: Edmonton
  • Flora and Fauna: The unique geographical diversity of Alberta house common plant species like lodgepole pine, spruce, aspen, and wildflowers like lupine and fireweed. The official Plant of Alberta is Wild Rose. A variety of animals and birds such as elk, deer, moose, black bears, grizzly bears, wolves, coyotes, bald eagles, ospreys, and various waterfowl find their homes in forests and grasslands of Alberta. The official animal of Alberta is the Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep.
  • Places of Attraction: There are various places like Banff National Park (Banff) and Jasper National Park (Jasper) where one can find these unique wildlife in their natural habitats. Apart from natural beauty, there are multiple places for visitors to explore in this province like Calgary Stampede and Drumheller and the Royal Tyrrell Museum.

British Columbia

British Columbia is characterized by mountains, forests, coastal regions, and numerous islands. The province is home to the Rocky Mountains, the Pacific Coast, and the temperate rainforests of the Pacific Northwest.

  • Location: Western Canada (Pacific Coast)
  • Size: Approximately 944,735 square kilometers
  • Population: Approximately 5.2 million
  • Capital City: Victoria
  • Flora and Fauna : It also has a diverse beauty of flora and fauna. Some common flora include Douglas fir, western red cedar, Sitka spruce, a wide range of wildflowers, and Pacific Dogwood, the official flower of British Columbia. The province is known for its diverse wildlife, including black bears, grizzly bears, cougars, wolves, elk, deer, mountain goats, and orcas along the coast. The official animal of British Columbia is the Spirit Bear (Kermode Bear).
  • Places of Attraction: Along with the scenic beauty, one can find various man-made spots of attraction in British Columbia such as Stanley Park and Vancouver Aquarium (Vancouver), Butchart Gardens (Victoria), Whistler Blackcomb Ski Resort (Whistler), also Capilano Suspension Bridge (North Vancouver).


Manitoba’s landscape is characterized by vast prairies, boreal forests, and numerous lakes and rivers. The province is also home to unique geographical features such as the Interlake region, which is dotted with thousands of small lakes, and the Hudson Bay coastline in the north.

  • Location: Central Canada
  • Size: Approximately 649,950 square kilometers
  • Population: Approximately 1.4 million
  • Capital City: Winnipeg
  • Flora and Fauna: Apart from the city life, it can be a great place for nature enthusiasts as this province is the home of various floral and fauna species. Common flora includes grasses like big bluestem and wildflowers such as goldenrod and prairie crocus, which is the official plant of Manitoba. The province is also home to a variety of wildlife, including bison, black bears, moose, wolves, white-tailed deer, and numerous bird species like the great grey owl and the Canada goose. Plain bison is the official animal of this province.
  • Places of Attraction: This province has some of the best places to visit while traveling which include The Forks National Historic Site (Winnipeg), Riding Mountain National Park (near Dauphin), Manitoba Museum (Winnipeg), Assiniboine Park and Zoo (Winnipeg) also Churchill and the Polar Bear Capital of the World (Churchill).

New Brunswick

New Brunswick’ is characterized by a mix of forests, rivers, rolling hills, and coastal regions. Notable geographical features include the Bay of Fundy, known for having the highest tides in the world, and the Acadian Peninsula, which is bordered by the Gulf of St. Lawrence.

  • Location: Eastern Canada (Atlantic Coast)
  • Size: Approximately 72,908 square kilometers
  • Population: Approximately 780,000
  • Capital City : Fredricton
  • Flora and Fauna: The flora and fauna of this province are something that make New Brunswick very special. Common flora include red spruce, balsam fir, sugar maple, and wildflowers like trillium and lady’s slipper orchids. Purple Violet is the official plant. Wildlife in New Brunswick includes black bears, white-tailed deer, moose, coyotes, and bobcats. The official animal of New Brunswick is the White-tailed Deer.
  • Places of Attraction: Some of the renowned tourist places in New Brunswick are Bay of Fundy Whale Watching (St. Andrews), Kings Landing Historical Settlement (Prince William) and Irving Nature Park (Saint John).

Newfoundland and Labrador

Newfoundland and Labrador’s rough landscape includes boreal forests, tundra, and coastal cliffs.

  • Location: Eastern Canada (Atlantic Coast)
  • Size: Approximately 405,720 square kilometers
  • Population: Approximately 520,000
  • Capital City: St. John’s.
  • Flora and Fauna: Common flora include black spruce, white birch, Labrador tea, and wildflowers like pitcher plants and arctic lupine. The official plant of the province is the Pitcher Plant. The province is home to diverse wildlife, including caribou, black bears, lynx, arctic foxes, and numerous seabirds like puffins, razorbills, and kittiwakes. The official animal of Newfoundland and Labrador is Caribou.
  • Places of Attraction: Gros Morne National Park (Rocky Harbour) a UNESCO World Heritage site, Signal Hill National Historic Site (St. John’s) Cape Spear Lighthouse (St. John’s) Terra Nova National Park (Port Blandford) to visit.

Nova Scotia

Known as Canada’s ocean playground, Nova Scotia is famous for its geographical features that include coastal landscapes, rolling hills, forests, and numerous lakes and rivers. The province has a long coastline, which is characterized by rugged cliffs, sandy beaches, and picturesque harbors.

  • Location: Eastern Canada (Atlantic Coast)
  • Size: Approximately 55,284 square kilometers
  • Population: Approximately 970,000
  • Capital City: Halifax
  • Flora and Fauna: Common flora include red spruce, sugar maple, white pine, and wildflowers such as lady’s slipper orchids and seaside goldenrod. The official plant of this province is Mayflower. Wildlife in Nova Scotia includes white-tailed deer, black bears, coyotes, bobcats, and numerous bird species like the great blue heron and the piping plover. The official animal of the province is Ospreys.
  • Places of attraction: Nova Scotia is also known for the tourist attraction of Lunenburg UNESCO World Heritage Site (Lunenburg), Cape Breton Highlands National Park (Ingonish Beach).


Ontario’s diverse ecosystems include boreal forests, deciduous woodlands, and the iconic Canadian Shield.

  • Location: Central Canada
  • Size: Approximately 1,076,395 square kilometers
  • Population: Approximately 14.9 million
  • Capital City: Toronto
  • Flora and Fauna: Common flora include white pine, sugar maple, oak, and wildflowers like trillium and purple coneflower. White Trillium is the official plant of Ontario. In wildlife Ontario including white-tailed deer, black bears, moose, wolves, coyotes, and numerous bird species like the common loon and the bald eagle. The official animal of Ontario is the Eastern Wolf.
  • Places of Attraction: Ontario has the famous Niagara Falls (Niagara Falls), CN Tower Ripley’s Aquarium of Canada, and Royal Ontario Museum (Toronto) as a must-visit tourist spot.

Prince Edward Island

Prince Edward Island’s land consists of agricultural fields, coastal dunes, and salt marshes.

  • Location: Eastern Canada (Atlantic Coast)
  • Size: Approximately 5,660 square kilometers
  • Population: Approximately 160,000
  • Capital City: Charolettetown
  • Flora and Fauna: Common flora include red maple, white spruce, balsam fir, and wildflowers like lupine, seaside goldenrod, and Lady’s Slipper, the official plant of the province. Wildlife on Prince Edward Island includes red foxes, white-tailed deer, mink, and a variety of bird species such as great blue herons and piping plovers. The official animal of this province is Blue Jay.
  • Places of Attraction: Some of the tourist places of Prince Edward Island are Green Gables Heritage Place (Cavendish), Confederation Bridge (Borden-Carleton), and PEI National Park (Charlottetown).


Quebec’s diverse ecosystems include boreal forests, deciduous woodlands, and the Canadian Shield.

  • Location: Eastern Canada
  • Size: Approximately 1,542,056 square kilometers
  • Population: Approximately 8.6 million
  • Capital City: Quebec City
  • Flora and Fauna: Common flora includes balsam fir, yellow birch, sugar maple, and wildflowers like blue flag iris and wild columbine. The official plant of Quebec City is Yellow Birch. Quebec is home to diverse wildlife, including black bears, moose, white-tailed deer, wolves, coyotes, and numerous bird species like the common loon and the snowy owl. The official animal of Quebec City is the Snowy Owl.
  • Places of attraction: Some of the tourist spots in this province are Old Quebec (Quebec City), Mont-Tremblant National Park (Mont-Tremblant), and Montmorency Falls Park (Quebec City).


Known as the “Land of the Living Skies,” Saskatchewan is popular for its vast grassland, lakes, and clear blue skies. The capital city of Saskatchewan is Regina.

  • Location: Central Canada
  • Size: Approximately 651,036 square kilometers
  • Population: Approximately 1.2 million
  • Capital City: Regina
  • Flora and Fauna: Common species of plants found in this province are grasses like big bluestem and needle-and-thread grass. The official plant of Saskatchewan is Western Red Lily. Saskatchewan wildlife includes bison, white-tailed deer, mule deer, black bears, coyotes, and various bird species like the sharp-tailed grouse and the western meadowlark. The official animal of Saskatchewan is the White-tailed Deer.
  • Places of attraction: Apart from nature’s beauty, there are some tourist spots such as Wanuskewin Heritage Park (Saskatoon), Grasslands National Park (Val Marie) and Wascana Centre (Regina).

Northwest Territories

The Northwest Territories have a diverse range of ecosystems, including boreal forests, tundra, and arctic shrublands.

  • Location: Northern Canada
  • Size: Approximately 1,346,106 square kilometers
  • Population: Approximately 45,000
  • Capital City: Yellowknife
  • Flora and Fauna: Common flora includes black spruce, willows, dwarf birch, and wildflowers like arctic poppies and moss champions. The official plant of this territory is Mountain Avens. Wildlife in the Northwest Territories includes caribou, muskoxen, wolves, grizzly bears, arctic foxes, and numerous bird species like ptarmigans and gyrfalcons. The official animal the of Northwest Territories the is Arctic Grayling.
  • Places of Attraction: Some of the places for visitors’ attraction are Aurora Village (Yellowknife), Great Slave Lake (Yellowknife), and Woodd Buffalo National Park (Fort Smith).


Nunavut is a land of remote Arctic wilderness, and towering icebergs.

  • Location: Northern Canada
  • Size: Approximately 2,093,190 square kilometers
  • Population: Approximately 40,000
  • Capital City: Iqaluit
  • Flora and Fauna: Nunavut’s harsh Arctic climate limits plant growth, but common flora includes willows, sedges, mosses, and lichens adapted to the tundra environment. The official plant of Nunavut is Purple Saxifrage. Nunavut is home to unique Arctic wildlife, including polar bears, arctic foxes, caribou, muskoxen, seals, and numerous bird species such as snowy owls and Arctic terns. The official animal of this territory is the Arctic Wolf.
  • Places of attraction: Some of the places to visit in Nunavut are Auyuittuq National Park (Pangnirtung), Quttinirpaaq National Park (Ellesmere Island) and Sylvia Grinnell Territorial Park (Iqaluit).


Yukon is a land of rocky mountains. Its rough landscape includes boreal forests, alpine meadows, and tundra.

  • Location: Northern Canada
  • Size: Approximately 482,443 square kilometers
  • Population: Approximately 42,000
  • Capital City: Whitehorse
  • Flora and Fauna: Common flora includes white spruce, trembling aspen, alpine forget-me-nots, and wildflowers like fireweed and arctic lupine. Fireweed is the official plant of Yukon. Wildlife in Yukon includes grizzly bears, black bears, wolves, moose, Dall sheep, and a variety of bird species like bald eagles and northern harriers. The official animal of Yukon is the Yukon Moose.
  • Places of attraction: Kluane National Park and Reserve (Haines Junction), Whitehorse Waterfront (Whitehorse), and the Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park (Dawson City) are some places to visit in this territory of Canada.

Conclusion – Provinces and Territories of Canada

Provinces and territories of Canada differ in several key aspects. Provinces, governed under the Constitution Act, 1867, have more autonomy and power, with representation in both the Senate and House of Commons whereas, territories derive their powers from federal legislation, have less autonomy, and are represented only in the House of Commons. There are 10 provinces and 3 territories in Canada. Provinces include Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, and Saskatchewan. The provinces include Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and Yukon. Each of these divisions contribute its own unique characteristics, landscapes, cultures, and histories giving diversity to Canada as a nation.

FAQs on Provinces and Territories of Canada

What are the three biggest provinces of Canada?

The three biggest provinces of Canada is British Columbia, Quebec and Ontario.

Is Canada bigger than the US?

Canada is 1.6 times larger than United States. Its land area is is 3, 855, 103 square miles compared to America’s 3, 794, 083

What is the Capital of Canada?

Capital of Canada is Ottawa located in southeastern Ontario.

What is the oldest City of Canada?

Saint John or St. John capital of New Brunswick, is the oldest city of Canda. Ti was established during the reign of George III.

What is the largest industry in Canada?

The largest industry of Canada are real estate, mining, and manufacturing.