Purpose of the useContext hook

The useContext hook in React makes it easier for components to get data from the overall theme or settings of your app. In React, “context” is like a way to share information among different parts of your app without having to hand it down through each piece. So, useContext helps a component quickly grab that shared info and use it.

Purpose of useContext:

  • Accessing Context Values: The fundamental job of useContext in React is to permit components to effortlessly take hold of records stored in a shared area referred to as context. It’s like a shortcut that allows purposeful components to get that data without making matters complex with the aid of the use of more additives or unique rendering instructions.
  • Avoiding Prop Drilling: UseContext helps in heading off prop drilling, which is the technique of passing down props through multiple layers of additives. By the usage of context and useContext, a thing can directly get declaration to the values it needs with out requiring intermediate components to pass those values.
  • Cleaner Component Code: It ends in purifier and extra readable aspect code with the aid of putting off the need for passing context values through each level of the element tree. This is specially beneficial in large packages with deeply nested additives.
  • Dynamic Theming and Configuration: useContext is especially useful for situations where dynamic theming or configuration settings are saved in the context. Components can without difficulty subscribe to those values and adapt their behavior as a consequence.
  • State Management with Context: When mixed with the useReducer or useState hooks, useContext will become a effective tool for managing global state. It lets in additives to get declaration to and update shared state with out the want for prop drilling or complex state management libraries.

The below code briefly explains uses of useContext to directly access the value provided by MyContext without needing to pass it as a prop through the component hierarchy.

import React,
} from 'react';

// Create a context with a default value
const MyContext = createContext('default value');

const ExampleContext = () => {
// Consume the context using useContext
const contextValue = useContext(MyContext);

return <p>{contextValue}</p>;

// In a parent component, provide a value to the context
const ParentComponent =
() => {
return (
value="Hello from Context!">
<ExampleContext />