R Program to Generate a Random Password

Password generation is a common task in programming languages. It is required for security applications and various accounts managing systems. A random password is not easily guessable which also improves the security of the accounts systems with the aim to protect information. In R Programming Language we will create one program to generate Random Password.

Concepts related to the topic

Random Number Generation: The generated random password consists of unpredictable characters. It is used to make securable password generation

Character Sets: It consists of a set of characters to generate a password. It includes uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, and special symbols.

Password Length: The length of the password should be longer for more security. It is the length where the characters used to generate the password.

Entropy: Higher entropy is a stronger password where it can’t be predictable due to randomness.

Cryptographically Secure Randomness: The generated password should be away from potential attacks so, it has to be generated in unpredictably with the use of characters.


To generate a random password in R language we have to follow the following steps:

  1. Define the character sets which include uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, and special symbols where the password will be generated
  2. We have to provide the length of the desired password.
  3. By using a random number generator that selects characters from the defined sets and constructs the password.
  4. Ensure that the random number generation process is cryptographically secure.


# Function to generate a random password
generate_password <- function(length = 10) {
  character_sets <- c(letters, LETTERS, 0:9, "!@#$%^&*()_+{}[]<>?")
  password <- character(length)
  for (i in 1:length) {
    random_set <- sample(character_sets, 1)
    password[i] <- sample(random_set, 1)
  return(paste(password, collapse = ""))
# Usage
password <- generate_password(12)


[1] "mRLw46Zebj6c"
  • generate_password <- function(length = 10): This defines a function named generate_password with an optional argument length that defaults to 10 if not provided.
  • character_sets <- c(letters, LETTERS, 0:9, “!@#$%^&*()_+{}[]<>?”): This line creates a vector called character_sets containing lowercase letters, uppercase letters, digits, and special symbols.
  • password <- character(length): This initializes an empty character vector password of the specified length.
  • The for loop iterates from 1 to length, generating each character of the password:
  • a. random_set <- sample(character_sets, 1): This line randomly selects one character set from character_sets.
  • b. password[i] <- sample(random_set, 1): Here, a random character is selected from the chosen character set, and it’s added to the password vector.
  • return(paste(password, collapse = “”)): This line combines the individual characters in the password vector into a single string and returns the resulting random password.

Improved Entropy with Cryptographically Secure Randomness


  1. Load the random package to access cryptographically secure random number generation.
  2. Define a function generate_secure_password with an optional length parameter.
  3. Create a vector character_sets with lowercase letters, uppercase letters, digits, and special symbols.
  4. Calculate the number of characters in character_sets.
  5. Initialize an empty character vector password.
  6. For each character position, generate a random index using random::random_numbers().
  7. Use the random index to select a character from the character_sets and add it to the password.
  8. Finally, combine the characters in the password vector to get the random secure password.


# Load the 'random' package for cryptographically secure random numbers
# Function to generate a cryptographically secure random password
generate_secure_password <- function(length = 12) {
  character_sets <- c(letters, LETTERS, 0:9, "!@#$%^&*()_+{}[]<>?")
  num_chars <- length(character_sets)
  password <- paste(sample(character_sets, length, replace = TRUE), collapse = "")
# Usage
secure_password <- generate_secure_password(16)


[1] "ZJfQYR88bbJReF4V"

Approach: Using Passphrases


  1. Define a list of words (word_list) from which the passphrase will be constructed.
  2. Define the function generate_passphrase with an optional length parameter.
  3. Within the function, use the sample() function to randomly select words from the word_list.
  4. Combine the selected words using the paste() function with a separator to form the passphrase.
  5. Return the generated passphrase.


# Predefined set of words for passphrase generation
word_list <- c("apple", "banana", "cherry", "dog", "elephant",
               "flamingo", "grape", "hedgehog")
# Function to generate a random passphrase
generate_passphrase <- function(length = 4) {
  words <- sample(word_list, length, replace = TRUE)
  passphrase <- paste(words, collapse = "-")
# Usage
passphrase <- generate_passphrase(5)

