Race Condition in Golang

As per Wikipedia, race condition is defined as the condition of an electronics, software, or other systems where the system’s substantive behavior is dependent on the sequence or timing of other uncontrollable events. Race condition falls under the “Concurrency” department. Concurrency is the art of making progress on multiple tasks simultaneously. Let’s understand what concurrency actually means.

Consider the following scenario to understand concurrency in a better way. Imagine a basket full of laddoos and two people standing near the basket. One is assigned a task to measure the count, quality, weight, and examine other important features of each and every laddu in the basket. Now as soon as he begins to observe the laddoos to derive some conclusion, simultaneously the second person tampers some laddoos shape, beats them so they’re powdered, and even eats some bits of some laddoos. It’s happening simultaneously: one taking note of the features of laddoos & the other damaging the original features. Now there’s no way in the world that the first one knows the original data as he’s only taking note of the tampered data which even he is unaware of. This is a race condition. Both tasks executing simultaneously interfering with some common things leading to a great deal of data loss.

Lets code and understand race condition practically!

package main
import (
func execute(some string) {
    // initializing a infinite for loop
    for i := 1; true; i++ {
        // prints string and number
        fmt.Println(some, i)
        // this makes the program sleep for
        // 100 milliseconds, wiz 10 seconds
        time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 100)
func main() {
    // Simple go synchronous program 
    // without any concurrency
    // when this func is called it executes
    // and then passes on to next line
    // after the first second is to be executed
    // the problem is, execute function will 
    // never finish execution, its trapped 
    // in an infinite loop so the program will 
    // never move to second execution.
    fmt.Println("program ends successfully")
    // if I'm wrong and both first and second 
    // execute, then this line should print too
    // check the output

If you use Windows, you’re likely to see such output on the screen. The above output goes on like that and has no end unless you manually stop it or it runs out of system memory for execution.

Consider the second code.

package main
import (
func execute(some string) {
    // initializing a infinite for loop
    for i := 1; true; i++ {
        // prints string and number
        fmt.Println(some, i)
        // this makes the program sleep for
        // 100 milliseconds, wiz 10 seconds
        time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 100)
func main() {
    // Simple go program with concurrency
    go execute("First")
    // Placing the go command infront of the
    // func call simply creates a goroutine
    // The goroutine ensures that both functions
    // execute simultaneously & successfully
    fmt.Println("program ends successfully")
    // This statement still won't execute because
    // the func call is stuck in an infinite loop
    // check the output

If you use Windows, you’re likely to see such output on the screen. When you create a goroutine in Go, it typically makes the execution faster by giving off the waiting time to other prevailing tasks, Now let’s see what happens if you create two goroutines in the same program.

package main
import (
func execute(some string) {
    // initializing a infinite for loop
    for i := 1; true; i++ {
        // prints string and number
        fmt.Println(some, i)
        // this makes the program sleep for
        // 100 milliseconds, wiz 10 seconds
        time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 100
func main() {
    // Simple go program with concurrency
    go execute("First")
    // Placing the go command in front of the
    // func call simply creates a goroutine
    go execute("Second")
    // The second goroutine, you may think that the
    // program will now run with lightning speed
    // But, both goroutines go to the background 
    // and result in no output at all Because the
    // program exits after the main goroutine
    fmt.Println("Program ends successfully")
    // This statement will now be executed
    // and nothing else will be executed
    // check the output

If you use Windows, you’re likely to see such output on the screen. Let’s consider one race condition scenario to wind up our topic:

package main
// one goroutine is the main
// goroutine that comes by default
import (
var wgIns sync.WaitGroup
func main() {
    // shared variable
    counter := 0
    // the other 10 goroutines are
    // supposed to come from here
    for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
        // goroutines are made
        go func() {
            for j := 0; j < 10; j++ {
                // shared variable execution
                counter += 1
                // 100 should be the counter value but
                // it may be equal to 100 or lesser
                // due to race condition
    // this value should actually be 11
    fmt.Println("The number of goroutines before wait = ", runtime.NumGoroutine())
    // value should be 100
    fmt.Println("Counter value = ", counter)
    fmt.Println("The number of goroutines after wait = ", runtime.NumGoroutine())
    // this value is supposed to be 1
    // but lets see if these values
    // stay consistently same every
    // time we run the code

This inconsistency happens because of race conditions. Race condition in simple terms can be explained as, you have one candy and two kids run to you claiming that they’re both hungry. They both end up fighting for that one chocolate, they race to get the candy. This is a race condition. Here the solution is: get another candy so that the two enjoy a candy peacefully. Likewise, we can increase the resources allocation in order to ensure race condition does not occur.