Relational Operators in LaTeX

Relational Operator
Relational Operator and their Latex Code –
2. is greater than " title="Rendered by" height="17" width="17" style="vertical-align: -2px;">>
3. is not less than\nless
4. is not greater than\ngtr
5. is less than or equal to\leq
6. is greater than or equal to\geq
7. is less than or equal to\leqslant
8. is greater than or equal to\geqslant
9. is neither less than nor equal to \nleq
10. is neither less than nor equal to \ngeq
11. is neither less than nor equal to\nleqslant
12. is neither greater than nor equal to\ngeqslant
13. is a proper subset of\subset
14. is a proper superset of\supset
15. is not a proper subset of\not\subset
16. is not a proper superset of\not\supset
17. is a subset of \subseteq
18. is a superset of\supseteq
19. is not a subset of\nsubseteq
20. is not a superset of\nsubseteq
21. is equal to=
22. is equivalent to\equiv
23. is approximately\approx
24. is congruent to\cong
25. is similar or equal to\simeq
26. is similar to\sim
27. is proportional to\propto
28. is not equal to\ne
29. is parallel with\parallel
30. is not parallel with\nparallel
31. is member of\in
32. is not member of\notin
33. is perpendicular with\perp