Reshaping array dimensions in Julia | Array reshape() Method

The reshape() is an inbuilt function in julia which is used to return an array with the same data as the specified array, but with different specified dimension sizes.

reshape(A, dims)


  • A: Specified array.
  • dims: Specified dimension.

Returns: It returns an array with the same data as the specified array, but with different specified dimension sizes.

Example 1:

# Julia program to illustrate 
# the use of Array reshape() method
# Getting an array with the same data
# as the specified 1D array, but with
# (2 * 2) dimension sizes.
A = [1, 2, 3, 4];
println(reshape(A, (2, 2)))
# Getting an array with the same data
# as the specified 2D array, but with
# (4 * 4) dimension sizes.
B = [1  2  3  4; 5  6  7  8; 9  10  11  12; 13  14  15  16];
println(reshape(B, (4, 4)))
# Getting an array with the same data
# as the specified 2D array, but with
# (2 * 8) dimension sizes.
C = [1  5   9  13; 2  6  10  14; 3  7  11  15; 4  8  12  16];
println(reshape(C, 2, :))


Example 2:

# Julia program to illustrate 
# the use of Array reshape() method
# Getting an array with the same data
# as the specified 1D array, but with
# (2 * 2) dimension sizes.
A = ["a", "b", "c", "d"];
println(reshape(A, (2, 2)))
# Getting an array with the same data
# as the specified 2D array, but with
# (2 * 2) dimension sizes.
B = ["a" "b"; "c" "d"];
println(reshape(B, (2, 2)))
# Getting an array with the same data
# as the specified 3D array, but with
# (2 * 2*3) dimension sizes.
C = cat(["a" "b"; "c" "d"], ["e" "f"; "g" "h"], ["i" "j"; "k" "l"], dims = 3);
println(reshape(C, (2, 2, 3)))
