Ruby | BigDecimal class inspect value

BigDecimal#inspect() : inspect() is a BigDecimal class method which returns debugging information about the value as a string of comma-separated values .

Syntax: BigDecimal.inspect()

Parameter: BigDecimal values to find the inspect the value

first part – the address
second – value as a string
final part – current and maximum number of significant digits respectively.

Code #1 : Example for inspect() method

# Ruby code for inspect() method
# loading BigDecimal
require 'bigdecimal'
# declaring BigDecimal
a = 42.1**13
# declaring BigDecimal
b = -BigDecimal("10")
# declaring BigDecimal
c = -(22 ** 7.1) * 10
# a
puts "inspect value of a : #{a.inspect}\n\n"
# b
puts "inspect value of b : #{b.inspect}\n\n"
# c
puts "inspect value of c : #{c.inspect}\n\n"

Output :

inspect value of a : 1.3051704902006439e+21

inspect value of b : #

inspect value of c : -33978252067.813686

Code #2 : Example for inspect() method

# Ruby code for inspect() method
# loading BigDecimal
require 'bigdecimal'
# declaring BigDecimal
a = 12**12 - 27
# declaring BigDecimal
b = BigDecimal('10')-(22 ** 7.1) ** 10
# declaring BigDecimal
c = BigDecimal('-3')
# a
puts "inspect value of a : #{a.inspect}\n\n"
# b
puts "inspect value of b : #{b.inspect}\n\n"
# c
puts "inspect value of c : #{c.inspect}\n\n"

Output :

inspect value of a : 8916100448229

inspect value of b : #

inspect value of c : #