RVSCET College Fest


After passing the college and higher secondary school examinations, the student enters the college for further studies. For admission to the college, students have to fill out the admission form online before the last date and according to the marks obtained in the school, they are selected to study in the colleges. The college where the student does his higher studies. the subject he shows interest in studying

fills the admission form for the same class. When a student is selected to study in a college, then information is sent to his/her registered mobile number from the university, after which he/she completes the admission process by going to the given college. The admission process is done in a disciplined manner, new students take admitted for their first-year studies, and students already studying in that college take admitted for their second-year and third-year studies.

Some festivals and festivals must be celebrated in every school for the benefit of the students. The festivals and festivals celebrated in the school have their own utility. This creates a family atmosphere in the school. This increases the enthusiasm of the students, entertains them, and removes boredom.

By participating in these festivals and events, they get practical skills in arranging meetings and festivals and giving speeches in front of a large number of people. Every year Shir Krishna Antihistamine is celebrated with great pomp in our school.

 Celebration Preparation:-

Several days before the antihistamine holiday, the principal issued an order that the birth of Lord Krishna would be celebrated with great pomp in the school. All the students were asked to participate in this festival. Grand preparations were made in the school.

The music teacher prepared some boys to sing a song on the occasion. The Hindi teacher wrote down the names of those boys who could give some speech on the life of Lord Krishna. The art teacher made a big picture of Lord Krishna. A stage was made in the school hall. A drama was also prepared with some boys, in which incidents from the life of Lord Krishna were shown.

 Function description:-

The function started in the afternoon. The guests and students started arriving at 2 in the afternoon. The ceremony started at exactly 4 o’clock. First of all, three small children sang the praise of Lord Krishna. In this prayer, Lord Krishna was requested to take birth again on this Aryan land, so that he could protect the Dharma in the country.

After this, the elocution competition started. Around 100 students took part in the ISN competition. He threw light on the life of Lord Krishna. Everyone tried to prove that Lord Krishna was born to reduce the burden of sins from the earth. After the speeches, the program of singing started. Many girls sang songs in a very melodious tone. All the audience appreciated it a lot.

After this, the drama started. Two small dramas were played. The first drama was of ‘Ramakrishna’. The second drama was ‘Gita’. In this, Lord Krishna was shown preaching to Arjuna in the battlefield. People watched both dramas with great interest. After this, many speakers gave beautiful speeches, throwing light on the life and teachings of Shir Krishna.

Speaker’s Speech:

At the end of the ceremony, the chairman gave a speech. He greatly appreciated the work of the boys. He threw light on the life and teachings of Sri Krishna and mentioned those features which were missed by other speakers.


At the end of the function, sweets were distributed as Prasad to all the students and guests. The children were very happy after getting the sweets. The ceremony lasted for about four hours. Meanwhile, everyone sat quietly. This ceremony is a clear proof of this success. We all returned home very happy with the packets of sweets.