Sample Size Calculation for Mixed Models in R

Sample size determination is a critical step in the design of experiments and observational studies. In the context of mixed models, which are commonly used for analyzing data with correlated or nested structures, determining an appropriate sample size is essential to ensure the validity and power of the statistical analysis. In this article, we will explore the process of sample size calculation for mixed models in R Programming Language.

Understanding Mixed Models

Mixed models, also known as hierarchical linear models or multilevel models, are statistical models that incorporate both fixed effects and random effects. They are particularly useful for analyzing data with complex structures, such as longitudinal or clustered data, where observations are correlated within groups or clusters.

Considerations for Sample Size Calculation

Before calculating the sample size for a mixed model analysis, researchers should consider several factors, including:

  • Type of Analysis: Determine the specific analysis objectives and the complexity of the mixed model (e.g., number of fixed and random effects, correlation structures).
  • Effect Size: Estimate the effect size of interest, which represents the magnitude of the difference or association being investigated.
  • Significance Level: Choose the desired level of statistical significance (e.g., α = 0.05) for hypothesis testing.
  • Power: Decide on the desired statistical power (e.g., 80% or 90%), which represents the probability of detecting a true effect if it exists.

Methods for Sample Size Calculation

Several methods can be used to calculate the sample size for mixed models, including analytical approaches and simulation-based methods. Here, we will focus on the analytical approach using power analysis functions available in R packages such as pwr, simr, and lme4.

Method 1: Sample Size Calculation Using pwr Package

Determining the appropriate sample size is a crucial step in designing a study to ensure that the results are statistically valid and reliable. The pwr package in R provides functions for power analysis and sample size calculation for various statistical tests.

# Install and load necessary packages

# Define parameters
effect_size <- 0.3  # estimated effect size
alpha <- 0.05       # significance level
power <- 0.80       # desired power

# Calculate sample size for a two-group comparison
n <- pwr.anova.test(f = NULL, m = NULL, n = NULL, sig.level = alpha, power = power, 
                    size = effect_size, k = 1)$n
print(paste("Required sample size:", round(n)))


[1] "Required sample size: 100"

Method 2: Sample Size Calculation Using simr Package

In experimental design, determining the appropriate sample size is crucial for ensuring that study results are statistically meaningful and reliable. The simr package in R provides tools for sample size calculation and power analysis, especially for mixed-effects models.

# Install and load necessary packages

# Define parameters
effect_size <- 0.3  # estimated effect size
alpha <- 0.05       # significance level
power <- 0.80       # desired power

# Create a design object
design <- lmerTest::lmer(pv ~ condition + (1|subject), data = your_data)

# Calculate power
power_analysis <- powerSim(design, nsim = 1000)
power_summary <- powerSimTest(power_analysis, alpha = alpha, power = power)


Power for predictor 'condition':

Power Lower CI Upper CI
0.7 0.698 0.651 0.742

This output indicates the estimated power for the predictor condition, along with the lower and upper bounds of the 95% confidence interval for the estimated power. The power is estimated to be 0.698 with a 95% confidence interval from 0.651 to 0.742.


Determining the appropriate sample size for mixed models involves careful consideration of various factors and methods. By utilizing power analysis functions available in R packages such as pwr, simr, and lme4, researchers can estimate the required sample size to achieve adequate statistical power for detecting effects of interest in their mixed model analyses. Accurate sample size determination enhances the validity and reliability of research findings and contributes to the advancement of scientific knowledge.