Scientific Name of Lotus

Scientific name of Lotus: Nelumbo nucifera is scientific name of the Lotus. Lotus belongs to the family Nelumbonaceae. The lotus is a perennial plant that often grows in ponds and lakes. It is known by different names like sacred lotusLaxmi lotus, and Indian lotus. It has round leaves with a waxy coating that floats on the water’s surface. Lotus have deep cultural, religious, and symbolic significance in different regions of the world.

History Behind the Scientific Name of Lotus

Scientific name of the Lotus is Nelumbo nucifera. The word lotus has been used in different culture and civilizations like Egyptian, Indus and Greek civilization. In all these culture it is associated as symbol of purity, beauty, and spirituality. The Egyptian word for lotus is “seshen” or “sheshen,” which indicates both the blue lotus (Nymphaea caerulea) and the white lotus (Nelumbo nucifera). In Sanskrit, the word for lotus is “padma,” and symbolising purity, beauty, and spiritual enlightenment. There are mainly two types of lotus plant, that are as follows

Nelumbo nucifera (Sacred Lotus): It is native to Asia, including countries like India, China, and Southeast Asia where it has cultural and religious significance. It symbolizes purity and spiritual enlightenment. The other name for this species of lotus is Indian or Asian lotus.The leaves of lotus are round and can grow to several feet in diameter. The flowers are large and vary in colors, from white and pink to red.

Nelumbo lutea (American Lotus or Yellow Lotus): It is native to North America and have cultural importance among certain indigenous tribes in North America. It is most commonly found in ponds, lakes, and slow-moving rivers. It have round floating leaves and large flowers that either pale yellow or cream.

Lotus Taxonomy











Genus Nelumbo
Species Nelumbo Nucifera

Characteristics of Lotus

The lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) is an aquatic perennial that holds cultural, religious, and ecological significance in many parts of the world. The characteristics of lotus are as follows:

  • The lotus is a perennial aquatic plant that grows in shallow, muddy waters of ponds, lakes, and slow-moving rivers.
  • It is found in tropical and subtropical regions. It grows well in warm climate.
  • Leaves of lotus are large and round with a waxy covering. It floats on the surface of the water and vary in size from around 18 inches (45 cm) to over 2 feet (60 cm).
  • Flowers of lotus are large, about 8 to 12 inches (20 to 30 cm) in diameter. The color of the flower varies from white, pink, and to purple. The petals of the flowers are arranged in several layers.
  • Lotus contain seed pods that are formed after it blooms. Seed pods contains numerous seeds that are known as “lotus seeds”. These seeds are edible and are used in various food recipes.
  • The roots of lotus are anchored in the mud at the bottom of the water and its leaves and flowers floats above the water surface. It can survive in muddy and murky water.
  • Lotus is considered spiritually significant in many religions specially in Buddhism and Hinduism, where it is associated with purity, enlightenment, and spiritual awakening.
  • Various parts of the lotus plant, including its seeds, leaves, and flowers, have been used in traditional Asian medicine for their healing properties.

FAQs on the Scientific Name of Lotus

Q: What is the scientific name for lotus?


The scientific name for lotus is “Nelumbo.

Q: Is “Nelumbo” the only scientific name for lotus?


Yes, “Nelumbo” is the genus name for lotus plants. All lotus species belong to this genus. However, within the genus Nelumbo, there are two main species: Nelumbo nucifera, commonly known as the Indian lotus or sacred lotus, and Nelumbo lutea, known as the American lotus or yellow lotus.

Q: Is Nelumbo nucifera the only species of lotus?


There are two main species of lotus in the Nelumbonaceae family: Nelumbo nucifera (Sacred or Indian lotus) and Nelumbo lutea (American lotus). Nelumbo nucifera is more commonly known and widely distributed in Asia, while Nelumbo lutea is native to North America.

Q: What does “Nelumbo nucifera” mean?


  • The genus name “Nelumbo” is derived from the Sinhalese name “Nelum” for lotus.
  • The specific epithet “nucifera” comes from the Latin words “nux” (nut) and “fero” (to bear), referring to the plant’s characteristic large seed pods containing numerous seeds.

Q: How is Nelumbo nucifera different from the American lotus (Nelumbo lutea)?


Nelumbo nucifera and Nelumbo lutea are similar in appearance but have some distinct differences. Nelumbo nucifera typically has larger flowers and leaves compared to Nelumbo lutea. Additionally, Nelumbo nucifera has a greater cultural and religious significance in Asian cultures, while Nelumbo lutea is an important aquatic plant in Native American traditions.