Screen Density and Its terminologies

Screen Density is a calculation of the proportion of display character positions on the screen or an area of the screen containing something.

There are Two types of Screen Density as following.

  1. Overall density of screen :
    The overall density of screen is measure by the percentage positions of a character on the overall screen.

  2. Local density of screen :
    Local density is a measure of how “tightly packed” the screen is at a specific region of the screen.

Example-1 :
Let’s consider the Text using Space i, e unordered.

Note –
In this case: overall density will be 13% (13 lines) so much space is used.

Example-2 :
Let consider the data in this screen.

Note –
In this case, overall density will be 5% (5 lines) so 8 lines space is reduced. So this screen is best.

Terminologies :

  • Screen Navigation :
    Screen Navigation can be made by grouping and aligning screen controls, and judiciously using line borders to guide the eyes.

  • Typography :
    Typography means typeface. It is the name of font type, such as times new roman, arial, verdana, or Helvetica.

  • Functionalities of event-trapping menus :
    1. They may immediately change some parameter in the current environment.
    2. They may take the user out of the current environment to perform a function.
    3. Without leaving the current environment.
    4. They may exit the current environment and allow the user to move to a totally new environment.
  • Guidelines to provide consistency in menu :
    1. Formatting, including organization, presentation, and choice ordering.
    2. Phrasing, including titles, choice descriptions, and instructions.
    3. Choice selection methods.
    4. Navigation schemes.

Advantages :

  • Visibility is good.
  • Friendly interface.
  • The interface is good to understand.
  • Memory is less.
  • Efficient screen and Achieve clarity.

Applications :

  • Web design applications.