SEEDBRAINS 3.0 Competition Experience

Hello guys, a warm welcome to all. In this blog, I am going to share my competition experience named SEEDBRAINS 3.0 at Cambridge University through this, I am going to narrate everything that happened during my journey, including the ups and downs I faced. So, without any delay, let’s start… Before going deep into it, we’ve broken down the topics into several parts for better understanding:

  • Invitation
  • Round 1
  • Day in Bangalore
  • Winning Moment
  • Recognition
  • Conclusion

1. Invitation:

On May 30, 2024, we received an invitation from our university. They sent it in the WhatsApp group. I liked the theme of the competition very much and applied with my team. While registering, we faced many issues with the registration portal, but after some time, it was rectified and we were able to register. The theme of the project was based on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Our product or service needed to address at least one of these goals. After registration, I organized a phone call with my teammates to discuss the problem statement. We decided to tackle “No Hunger” and worked on developing a solution for it. Let’s continue this in the upcoming modules…

2. Round 1:

June 15 was the last date for submitting the project idea, but we submitted ours on June 13 and waited for the results. During this time, I had some doubts regarding the competition, so I called a professor working at Cambridge University, Bangalore. I first emailed her, and within a few minutes, she replied and asked me to call her for better understanding. We discussed the competition for about 10 minutes and concluded that in the first round, we only needed to submit our idea. If we were selected for Round 2, it would be an offline round in Bangalore where we would explain our project in detail. This gave me a clear roadmap for the competition, and we prepared for Round 2. Let’s continue this in upcoming modules…

3. Day in Bangalore:

On June 20, we got our results. Before that, I called the professor again for some guidance. She told me that the results would be out by 5 pm on June 20. I eagerly waited, and when the clock struck 5 pm, I received a notification on my mobile. It was an email saying, “Congratulations ?, you are selected for the second round. Pack your things and get ready.” I was ecstatic because I had participated in another event earlier and worked on it for more than 20 days but got rejected. This time, I was selected for a more prestigious competition, so I was very happy. I called my teammates to inform them because the team leader only receives the email. They were also very excited and started making arrangements to go to Bangalore. I informed my mom, who was very happy and motivated me to give my best in the competition. In the email, there was an attachment containing a verification ID for my team, which allowed us to access the food court and hostel accommodations. On June 25, we started our journey from Madurai. We took a train at 7 pm and reached Bangalore on June 26 in the evening. At Cambridge University, the volunteers verified our selection ID and Aadhar card, guided us to the hostel, and gave us the room key. After freshening up and resting, we had dinner and slept. The next day, June 27, our presentation was scheduled to start at 9 am. Initially, they said the presentation would be given only to the judges, but later they announced that it would be presented to everyone. I was stunned and didn’t know what to do next. I asked my teammates who would deliver the speech, and they said I should do it because I knew the entire process. When our name was called, I got ready to deliver my speech to the crowd. Once I completed it, I was very happy because everyone clapped and encouraged me. Let’s continue in upcoming modules…

4. Winning Moment:

After completing our presentation, we went for lunch around 2 pm. We returned to the competition venue, and at 4 pm, the results were announced. While chatting and having fun, we suddenly heard our team name called out by the host. My teammates and I were shocked. Our neighboring teams urged us to go up, but we were still in disbelief until our names were called a second time. We went on stage, and the host confirmed that we had won. I couldn’t believe it and was in tears because it was my first win in an out-of-state competition, and our competitors were from top universities like IIT and NIT. When I took the mic, I thanked my parents and teammates because, without them, it wouldn’t have been possible. I also asked for technical support from those in higher positions to make our idea a reality because it was very important to me. Afterward, the award ceremony took place, and the media took photos of us. Let’s continue this in upcoming modules…

5. Recognition:

Once we informed our university about our win, they asked us to come as a team. They arranged a small function for us, and all the senior faculty and the vice-president of our university were present to encourage us. They shared our photos with the student group and on the LinkedIn page. It was a great honor for us because we worked very hard, and finally, we got our reward.


Participating in the competition at Cambridge University, Bangalore, was a transformative experience for me and my team. It challenged us to think critically, work collaboratively, and push our limits. From receiving the initial invitation to presenting our project and eventually winning, every step was filled with learning and growth. The competition not only provided us with a platform to showcase our ideas but also gave us the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and experts in the field. Winning the competition and receiving recognition from our university was the icing on the cake, validating all the hard work and dedication we put into our project. This journey taught us the importance of perseverance, teamwork, and believing in ourselves. It reinforced the idea that with determination and support, we can achieve great things. We are now more motivated than ever to take our project forward and make a meaningful impact. Thank you for following along with our journey. We hope our experience inspires you to pursue your passions and never give up on your dreams.

Thank you…