Silver Touch Technologies ltd Interview Experience for Software Developer 2023-24

There were three rounds at Silver Touch Technologies which are as follows:

  1. Round 1: Online Assessment
  2. Round 2: Technical Interview
  3. Round 3: HR Interview

Round 1: Online Assessment (60 min)

In the online assessment, there were major two sections which are as follows the assessment was on the Hackerrank platform,

  • Aptitude (20 questions) (20 minutes)
  • Coding Questions (2 Questions) (40 minutes)

The duration of the total test was of 60 minutes, the first part was on aptitude it contained 20 questions, and 20 minutes were allotted for the test, my aptitude was not so good I solved 5-10 easy questions and moved to the Coding part of the assessment. In the coding part, there were two coding questions and 40 minutes were there to solve them if we compare the difficulty level of questions to leetcode then they were of Easy-Medium level difficulty. Due to company policy, I can not disclose the actual questions publically but they were based on linked lists, arrays, stacks, and trees, The questions were on the basic data structures and I have ground the leetcode for the past year so I solved both the questions in 10 minutes.

Round 2: Technical Interview (40 min)

The interview started with my brief introduction followed by various questions related to my projects after that the interviewer asked me the technologies that I have worked on I mentioned Python, Java, HTML, CSS, etc so he started asking questions on Python interviewer started from the basic questions to advanced I will mention the question later in the article, after asking questions based on Python he switched to Object Oriented Programming (OOP) then he asked me to write sql query and after that, the interview was over.

  • Difference between pass-by-value and pass-by-reference
  • What is lambda function
  • Swap two variables without using a third variable (I explained 3 methods to do so)
  • What are decorators in python
  • What is serialization in Python
  • What is pickling and un-pickling
  • What is class
  • What is constructor
  • What is encapsulation
  • What do you mean by static
  • What is Multilevel inheritance
  • Functions overloading vs overriding
  • Write a SQL query to find the third largest salary of an employee

Round 3: HR Round (10 – 15 min)

The HR round was not eliminatory I guess everyone who gave the HR round got shortlisted except one person, I think he gave answers that did not align with the company policies, In the HR round they started with a brief introduction followed by typical HR questions like What are your strengths, weaknesses, are you ready to relocate. You don’t have to prepare too much for the HR round all you have to do is cleverly answer the questions such that it aligns with the company vision.

Result: Got the offer letter