Speed Regulation of DC Motor

At the point when a DC motor gets stacked, its speed decreases gradually which is not beneficial for the machine. So the distinction between no-heap and full-load rates not being most important means it is not likely to make a difference. An engine that can keep an almost consistent speed under changing burdens is said to have major areas of strength, and that implies that the distinction between no heap and full burden speed is little. Speed guidelines for extremely durable magnet DC motors are great, going somewhere in the range of 10 and 15%, but DC shunt engines are somewhat under 10%. DC series motors have bad guidelines. For a compound DC motor utilizing DC total compound, the speed guideline is around 25%, though the differential compound has a superb value of 5%.

Table of Content

  • What is DC Motor Speed Control?
  • Speed of a DC Motor
  • Speed Regulation of a DC Motor
  • Applications
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs

What is DC Motor Speed Control?

Speed control in a DC motor refers to the capacity to control the motor shaft’s rotating speed. DC motors are generally used in a range of applications that request exact command over speed, including mechanical technology, current hardware, electric vehicles, and advanced mechanics systems. For these applications, controlling the speed of a DC motor is crucial for achieving the ideal presentation, effectiveness, and utility.

There are different ways of controlling the speed of a DC motor, each with its arrangement of advantages and disadvantages. The following are a couple of normal methodologies:

  • Control of Voltage: This strategy incorporates changing the voltage applied to the motor to control its speed. Changing the voltage between the engine terminals permits you to change the electromagnetic power (EMF) produced in the motor, which impacts its speed. Be that as it may, voltage control may not give exact speed directions, particularly at lower speeds, bringing about less power.
  • Armature Resistance Control: This technique involves adjusting the resistance in series with the motor’s armature winding to control the speed. The voltage drop across the armature increases when the resistance is increased. This lowers the motor’s driving voltage and, as a result, the speed. Speed control with armature resistance control is better than simple voltage control, but it can lose power and be less effective.
  • Field Flux Regulating: You can direct the motor’s speed by managing the field motion, either by changing the field winding obstruction or by utilizing field control procedures. This innovation beats armature resistance control in terms of perfection and adequacy.
  • Pulse Width Modulation (PWM): It is a regular technique for controlling the speed of DC motors. It requires rapidly turning the power supply to the engine on and off at a decent rate while changing the duty cycle. By changing the duty cycle, you can oversee the suitable voltage provided to the motor and subsequently direct the speed. In contrast with different systems, PWM conveys exact control, high efficiency, and low heat generation.
  • Chopper Control: Chopper control is a kind of PWM control in which power electrical devices known as choppers direct the voltage given to the motor. Choppers turn on and off the stock voltage to the motor in a normal way, utilizing variable duty cycles to control the speed. Chopper control gives predominant speed control, high efficiency, and diminishes the electrical and mechanical load of the motor.

Speed of a DC Motor

EMF equation of DC motor is given by

E = NPΦZ / 60A


N = Speed of rotation in rpm

P = Number of poles

A = Number of parallel paths

Z = Total no conductors in armature

Speed of rotation N = ( 60A / PZ ) x ( E / Φ )

N = E / K Φ

Where k = PZ / 60 A is a constant

Therefore, the speed of a DC motor is directly proportional to the emf of rotation (E) and inversely proportional to the flux per pole (φ).

Speed Regulation of a DC Motor

Speed regulation is defined as the difference in speed from no load to full load, expressed as a fraction or percentage of full load speed.

Therefore, according to the definition per unit (p.u) speed regulation of a DC motor is given as,

Speed Regulation = Nno load – N full load / Nfull load


Speed regulation % = Nno load – N full load / N full load x 100


Percent speed regulation = per unit speed regulation x 100%

A motor with essentially constant speed at any load less than full rated load has good speed regulation.

Applications of Speed Regulation of a DC Motor

  • Automation in Industry: DC motors with speed regulation find broad use in modern automation for controlling transport lines, siphons, fans, and other hardware.
  • Robotics: Exact speed control is critical in mechanical technology for undertakings, for example, development control, pick-and-spot activities, and control.
  • Electric Vehicles: DC motors with speed guideline are utilized in electric vehicles for controlling speed increase, deceleration, and by and large speed.
  • HVAC System : Warming, ventilation, and cooling systems use DC motors with speed guideline for controlling the speed of blowers and fans to change wind current.
  • Power Tools: Different power instruments like drills, saws, and processors integrate DC motors with speed guideline to change the rotational speed in light of the application.
  • Print machines: In printing presses, speed-regulated DC motors are utilized to regulate the speed of printing cylinders and rollers for precise printing.
  • Material Hardware: DC motors with speed guideline are utilized in material apparatus for controlling the speed of turning, winding around, and weaving processes.


In conclusion, the speed regulation of DC motors assumes an essential part across different forms, offering exact control and upgrading proficiency, execution, and wellbeing in different applications. Through strategies, for example, armature voltage control, field transition control, and PWM adjustment, DC motors can be custom-made to meet explicit speed in modern robotization, mechanical technology, electric vehicles, air conditioning frameworks, power devices, print machines, and material apparatus. Energy savings, enhanced productivity, and streamlined operations are all made possible by the ability to precisely adjust motor speed. Looking forward, continuous headways in control calculations, reconciliation with arising advancements, and the improvement of additional proficient engine plans guarantee further development and progress in the field of speed guideline. As requests for maintainability and mechanical complexity develop, the significance of speed guideline in DC motors is supposed to keep on rising, driving proceeded with examination, joint effort, and investigation of additional opportunities. Eventually, speed guideline remains as a foundation of current designing, forming platform for robotics and industry.

FAQs on Speed Regulation of DC Motor

How really does speed regulation help modern automation processes?

Speed regulation permits exact command over apparatus in modern computerization, working with upgraded creation processes, decreased personal time, and further developed item quality.

What are the benefits of utilizing speed-controlled DC motors in electric vehicles?

Speed-controlled DC motors empower smooth speed increase, deceleration, and proficient activity in electric vehicles, adding to expanded battery duration, upgraded driving reach, and by and large execution.

How does HVAC system speed control improve energy efficiency?

In HVAC systems, speed regulation lets fans and blowers run at different speeds to match demand for airflow. This outcomes in energy reserve funds by decreasing power utilization during times of lower interest.

When choosing a speed control method for a specific application, what factors should be taken into account?

The application’s speed range, torque characteristics, response time, efficiency requirements, budgetary constraints, and environmental conditions are all important considerations.

What are some typical difficulties that arise when speed regulation is implemented in DC motors?

Normal difficulties incorporate electromagnetic impedance, warm administration, mechanical wear, control system intricacy, and similarity with different parts in the system.