Sphere Volume Calculator – Free Online Calculator

Sphere Volume Calculator: A tool designed to compute the volume of a sphere based on the radius of that sphere. A sphere is a perfectly round three-dimensional object where every point on the surface is the same distance from the center. The formula to calculate the volume of a sphere involves this constant radius and the mathematical constant pi (π). This w3wiki sphere volume calculator simplifies the process, making it accessible and easy to use for anyone needing to find the volume of a sphere quickly and accurately. A sphere volume calculator is essential for students, educators, and professionals who frequently work with geometric shapes.

How to find a Volume of a Sphere

The Sphere Volume Calculator helps you find out how much space is inside a sphere. Imagine a round ball, like a soccer ball or a marble – that’s a sphere. The calculator figures out how much stuff can fit inside that ball.

Here’s a simple step-by-step guide on how to do it:

1. Measure the Radius: First, measure how long the radius is. This is your starting point for the calculation.

2. Use the Formula: The formula to calculate the volume of a sphere is:

Volume: 4/3 × π × radius^3,

(pi) is a constant approximately equal to 3.14159. (r) is the radius you measured.

3. Calculate: Multiply the radius by itself three times (radius^3), multiply that number by (π ) ,then multiply by 4/3.

4. Result: The final number you get is the volume of the sphere, typically measured in cubic units, like cubic centimeters or cubic meters.

Volume of Sphere Formula

The formula to find the volume of a sphere is:

Volume = 4/3 × π × radius^3


  • V  is the volume of the sphere
  • pi is a mathematical constant, approximately equal to 3.14159
  • r is the radius of the sphere

To use this formula, you need to know the radius of the sphere. Plug that value into the formula, follow the order of operations (multiply before dividing), and you’ll get the volume of the sphere in cubic units (like cubic inches, cubic centimetres, etc.).

Sphere Volume Calculator Table

Radius (r)

Volume (V)











In this table, the radius (r) of the sphere is given in one column, and the corresponding volume (V) of the sphere is given in another column. This table helps you quickly find the volume of a sphere based on its radius.

Solved Examples on Sphere Volume Calculator

Example 1: Imagine you have a ball, and it’s really big. Let’s say it has a radius of 10 meters. Using the sphere volume calculator, you can find out that:

Its volume is about 4188.79 cubic meters.

Example 2: Now, think about a smaller ball with a radius of 3 centimetres. The sphere volume calculator tells us that:

Its volume is around 113.1 cubic centimetres.

Example 3: Let’s say you have a sphere-shaped water tank for your garden with a radius of 5 feet. By using the sphere volume calculator, you can figure out that:

It can hold about 523.6 cubic feet of water.

These examples show how the sphere volume calculator can be handy in various situations, whether dealing with large objects like planets or small ones like marbles or practical things like water tanks.

Practical Question on Sphere Volume Calculator

1. How can I use a sphere volume calculator to find out how much water a round fish tank can hold?

2. If I have a ball with a diameter of 10 centimetres, how do I use the sphere volume calculator to figure out its volume?

3. Can I use a sphere volume calculator to help me know how much air a balloon can hold if I know its diameter?


Sphere Volume Calculator is a tool is designed to help you quickly and accurately calculate the volume of a sphere. Calculating the volume of a sphere can help you figure out how much space it occupies. This is useful in various fields like science, engineering, and even everyday tasks. Using a sphere volume calculator makes this process much easier—you just need to input the radius, and it does the math for you.

Sphere Volume Calculator – Free Online Calculator – FAQs

What is a Sphere Volume Calculator?

A Sphere Volume Calculator is a tool that helps you find out how much space is inside a sphere. It’s like measuring how much water a ball can hold!

How do I use a Sphere Volume Calculator?

Using a Sphere Volume Calculator is easy! You just need to know the radius (distance from the center to the edge) of your sphere. Put that number into the calculator, and it will tell you the volume.

What’s the formula for the Sphere Volume Calculator?

The formula for finding the volume of a sphere is V = (4/3) × π × r³. Here, “r” stands for the radius of the sphere.

Can I see an example of using the Sphere Volume Calculator?

If your sphere has a radius of 5 units, you can plug that into the formula to find its volume. The calculator will do the math for you!

Why is knowing sphere volume important?

Understanding sphere volume helps in many real-world situations, like figuring out how much air a balloon can hold or how much water a tank can store. It’s all about understanding space and capacity better!