Spotting Errors for Bank Exams- Practice Set

Hi friends in the given article we have discussed spotting errors based on subject-verb agreement, tenses, conjunction, noun, pronoun, adjective, adverb, conditional sentence, inversion, modal, and preposition. 

It is critical for a candidate to develop a strong knowledge of English grammar and vocabulary in order to accurately answer the error spotting questions asked in various Government exams. Aspirants who require assistance in this area might use the resources listed below. 

Few rules to keep in mind before moving further to questions of error detection:

  1. The noun form of a noun signifying weight, number, money, length, or measure that follows a number does not change as long as another noun or pronoun follows it. 
  2. The use of the pronoun ‘one’ should be consistent throughout the phrase. 
  3. In general, ‘whose’ is used for living creatures while ‘which’ is used for non-living things. 
  4. Because certain nouns have a singular form, they represent plurality and require a plural verb in a phrase.
  5. Because of their plural form, some nouns use the plural verb. 
  6. Because ‘unless’ conveys a condition that is always expressed in the negative sense, ‘not’ is never used with it.
  7. To emphasise equality, the word ‘as’ is used both before and after the adjective.
  8. ‘While’ suggests a period of time spent doing something, while ‘When’ denotes a broad meaning.
  9. ‘Fewer’ is used to indicate number, while ‘Less’ is used to indicate quantity. 
  10. Sentences are always the reverse of question tags; if the question tag is positive, the sentence will be negative, and vice versa.
  11. After superlative adjectives, the relative pronoun ‘that’ is used instead of ‘who’ or ‘which.’
  12. In a sentence, ‘though’ is always followed by ‘yet,’ not ‘but.’

Q1. How will Willard’s resignation effect the government’s plans? 

  1. How will 
  2. Willard’s resignation   
  3. effect the  
  4. government’s plans
  5. No Error

The Correct answer is option 3 i.e. effect the
The error is in the use of word ‘effect’ which must be replaced with ‘affect’. 
Effect is a noun, an effect is the result of a change while Affect is a verb, and it means to impact or change. 
The sentence is about the ‘Change’ in the government’s plans. Hence, ‘affect’ is the correct word in place of ‘effect’. 
The correct sentence will be-
How will Willard’s resignation affect the government’s plans?

Q2. The problem with this approach is that there is a desperate need of demand stimulus now. 

  1. The problem with this 
  2. approach is that 
  3. there is a desperate need  
  4. of demand stimulus now
  5. No Error

The Correct answer is option 4 i.e. of demand stimulus now.
The use of preposition ‘of’ here is incorrect. 
Need may take ‘of’ or ‘for’ after it depending on sentence structure. 
1. After the drought, here is an urgent need for food in Sudan.
2. Sudan, after the drought, is in urgent need of food.
We use article a/an before ‘need’ if we use ‘for’ after it.
Hence, ‘need for demand’ must be used in the given sentence.
The correct sentence will be-
The problem with this approach is that there is a desperate need for demand stimulus now.

Q3. He sent me twenty invites in the last six months, until I agreed to come. 

  1. He sent me 
  2. twenty invites in the 
  3. last six months,   
  4. until I agreed to come
  5. No Error

The Correct answer is option 1 i.e. He sent me
Past indefinite & Past perfect tense are both used to talk about things that happened in the past. However, we use past perfect to talk about something that happened before another action in the past, which is usually expressed by the past simple.
In the sentence, ‘He sent me twenty invites’ happened before another action ‘I agreed to come’. Hence, first sentence will be in past perfect tense.
So, ‘He had sent me’ is the correct phrase. 
The correct sentence will be-
He had sent me twenty invites in the last six months, until I agreed to come.

Q4. The boss is impressed with her ability to generate so good ideas. 

  1. The boss is impressed 
  2. with her ability 
  3. to generate  
  4. so good ideas
  5. No Error

The Correct answer is option 4 i.e. so good ideas.
In part 4, the phrase ‘so good ideas’ must be replaced with ‘such good ideas’ to make the sentence a grammatically correct one. 
‘So’ is used to express emphasis before an adjective. 
Ex: The phone becomes so hot after charging.’ 
The word ‘Such’ is used for the same purpose but followed by ‘Adjective + Noun’ Phrase. 
Ex: ‘Suresh is such a good neighbor.’
The correct sentence will be- 
The boss is impressed with her ability to generate such good ideas.    

Q5. The police is investigating the murder case which happened last month. 

  1. The police is 
  2. investigating the murder 
  3. case which  
  4. happened last month
  5. No Error

The Correct answer is option 1 i.e. The police is
Police generally agrees with a plural verb. 
Hence, ‘The police are investigating’ should be used here.   
Hence, option 1 is correct.
The correct sentence will be-
The police are investigating the murder case which happened last month.

Q6. Pankaj regards handling the customer honestly as his special expertise. 

  1. Pankaj regards 
  2. handling the customer 
  3. honestly as his  
  4. special expertise
  5. No Error

The Correct answer is option 4 i.e. special expertise.
In the given sentence, usage of the word ‘special’ before ‘expertise’ is not correct and make it superfluous.  
Hence, ‘Special’ must be removed. 
The correct sentence will be- 
Pankaj regards handling the customer honestly as his expertise. 

Q7. The teacher has devoted one full hour to explain the reasons behind the transformation.

  1. The teacher has devoted 
  2. one full hour to 
  3. explain the reasons  
  4. behind the transformation
  5. No Error 

The Correct answer is option 3 i.e. explain the reasons
There’s a grammatical error in (3) in which a verb ‘Explain’ is wrongly used; the verb after “devote” will always be a gerund or a noun. 
The correction: …one full hour to explaining the reasons…” 
Ex: He devoted all his energy to completing the work on time.
The correct sentence will be- 
The teacher has devoted one full hour to explaining the reasons behind the transformation.

Q8. The social conventions of the day dictate that a child remain at home with parents until attaining adulthood.

  1. The social conventions of 
  2. the day dictate that 
  3. a child remain at home with parents  
  4. until attaining adulthood
  5. No Error

The Correct answer is option 3 i.e. a child remain at home with parents
Use of ‘remain’ is not correct. The sentence is in Present indefinite tense and ‘Child’ is singular noun. So, singular verb i.e. ‘remains’ will follow it. 
It should be “…….day dictate that a child remains at home.”
The correct sentence will be-
The social conventions of the day dictate that a child remains at home with parents until attaining adulthood.

Q9. Each of these new students have been assigned a roll number and a file by the office.

  1. Each of these new 
  2. students have been 
  3. assigned a roll number  
  4. and a file by the office

The Correct answer is option 2 i.e. students have been.
The error is in (2), in which an unsuitable verb has been used. 
The determiner “each” takes a singular verb, not a plural verb, as wrongly used in the above sentence. 
The correction: “Each of these new students has been assigned”. because ‘each’ is singular, not plural.
The correct sentence will be-
Each of these new students has been assigned a roll number and a file by the office.

Q10. We made a short walk to the bakery close by to buy some bread, cake and cheese.

  1. We made a short walk 
  2. to the bakery close by 
  3. to buy some bread,  
  4. cake and cheese
  5. No Error

The Correct answer is option 1 i.e. We made a short walk
The error of the sentence is in (1) in which the verb “make” doesn’t collocate with the noun “walk.” 
We either go for a walk or take a walk. These are the verbs that always collocate with “walk”.

The correction: We took a short walk to the bakery; or we went for a walk to the bakery; or we walked to the bakery.
The correct sentence will be-
We took a short walk to the bakery close by to buy some bread, cake and cheese.

Q11. Instead of her extremely busy and hectic schedule Neha still spends some time with her family. 

  1. Instead of her extremely busy 
  2. and hectic schedule 
  3. Neha still spends some  
  4. time with her family
  5. No Error

The Correct answer is option 1 i.e. Instead of her extremely busy.
The error in the use of ‘Instead of’ in 1st part of the sentence. Replace ‘instead’ of by ‘inspite of’ or ‘despite’. 
If you say that somebody did something even if it is not expected we use ‘inspite of’ or ‘despite’, not ‘instead of’.  The correct sentence will be-
Inspite of her extremely busy and hectic schedule Neha still spends some time with her family.

Q12. Deepak didn’t dare go against the will of his mother that why he is a successful businessman today. 

  1. he is a successful businessman today
  2. Deepak didn’t dare go 
  3. his mother that why  
  4. against the will of  
  5. No Error

The Correct answer is option 2 i.e. Deepak didn’t dare go.
In the above sentence, didn’t is our helping verb and dare is acting as a main verb. 
So, we need to use the sentence structure ‘dare + to + v1’. 
Hence, we need to use “to go” in the place “go”. 
The correct sentence will be-
Deepak didn’t dare to go against the will of his mother that why he is a successful businessman today.

Q13. In the summer vacations, I went to an island called Fiji and enjoyed very much. 

  1. I went to 
  2. and enjoyed very much
  3. In the summer vacations,  
  4. an island called Fiji 
  5. No Error

The Correct answer is option 2 i.e. and enjoyed very much.
Option 2 has the grammatical incorrect part. 
Insert myself after the verb enjoyed. The verb ‘enjoy’ either takes an object or a reflexive pronoun after it. 
So, we will use the reflexive pronoun of I i.e. myself.  The correct sentence will be-
In the summer vacations, I went to an island called Fiji and enjoyed myself very much.

Q14. The selectors told the players that one ought to work very hard to fix his place in the team.

  1. very hard to fix his 
  2. place in the team  
  3. that one ought to work  
  4. The selectors told the players 
  5. No Error

The Correct answer is option 1 i.e. very hard to fix his
In the sentence, Option 1 has the grammatical incorrect part. 
Replace ‘his’ by one’s. The possessive case of a thing should be according to the noun/pronoun. The possessive of one is ‘one’s’ not ‘his’. The correct sentence will be-
The selectors told the players that one ought to work very hard to fix one’s place in the team.

Q15. He could have taken interest in Mathematics if his father had been teacher.

  1. if his parents 
  2. He could have taken 
  3. had been teacher 
  4. interest in Mathematics 
  5. No Error

The Correct answer is option 3 i.e. had been teacher.
In the sentence, ‘His father being teacher’ is a situation that is totally unreal/improbable now. So, use “were” in the place of “had been”. 
‘If his father were teacher’ indicates the unreal situation. Hence, option 3 is the correct answer.  The correct sentence will be-   
He could have taken interest in Mathematics if his father were teacher.

Question-based on error spotting:

In the following question, some parts of the sentence may have errors. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and select the appropriate choice. If a sentence is free from error, select ‘No Error’.

1.  Many a student from the college are participating in the competition that is being held in Green park stadium.

  1. are participating in the 
  2. competition that is being held 
  3. Many a student from the college  
  4. held in Green park stadium
  5. No Error 

The Correct answer is option 1 i.e. are participating in the
Option 1 has the error as the use of the helping verb ‘are’ is not correct.  
Both ‘many’ and ‘many a’ convey the same meaning that is “a large number of”. 
The key distinction is that ‘many’ is used with plural countable nouns and a plural verb, whereas ‘many a’ is used with singular countable nouns and a singular verb.
Hence, ‘are’ in the sentence should be replaced by ‘is’.
The correct sentence will be-
Many a student from the college is participating in the competition that is being held in Green park stadium.

2. While there is a growing fear of uncertainty and prolonged de-globalisation, (A)/ optimism is reflected by the public sector that has stood firm, (B)/ making way for the safety about lives and livelihoods (C)/ while ensuring a seamless supply of essential services (D)/ No Error (E).

  1. optimism is reflected by the public sector that has stood firm, 
  2. while ensuring a seamless supply of essential services 
  3. While there is a growing fear of uncertainty and prolonged de-globalisation,
  4. making way for the safety about lives and livelihoods 
  5. No Error


The correct answer is Option 4.
Statement “C” seems to have an error with the application of “safety about lives” which should be replaced by “safety of lives” to make the sentence seem grammatically accurate.
Hence, an error lies in Option D.

3. Many studies suggest (A) / that the number (B) / of cancer patients (C) / is grow day by day (D) /No error(E)

  1. Many studies suggest 
  2. that the number
  3. of cancer patients
  4. is grow day by day
  5. No error

The correct answer is option 4 i.e. is grow day by day.
‘Is growing day by day’ should be used in place of ‘is grow day by day’. Since the rule ‘followed in Present continuous Tense is as ‘sub + is/am/are + v1 ing + object.’
Hence, option D is the correct answer.

4. China has become the second country in the world (A)/ to unfurl its national flag on the moon surface (B)/ Earlier this feat was achieved only by the USA, (C)/ when it planted its flag on the Moon during the Apollo mission on 1969 (D)/ No Error (E).

  1. Earlier this feat was achieved only by the USA, 
  2. China has become the second country in the world 
  3. when it planted its flag on the Moon during the Apollo mission on 1969 
  4. to unfurl its national flag on the moon’s surface 
  5. No Error

The correct answer is Option 3.
Statement “D” seems to have an error with the application of “mission on 1969”
Instead of “on”, it should be “in”
‘In’ is a preposition, commonly used to show a situation when something is enclosed or surrounded by something else. ‘On’ refers to a preposition that expresses a situation when something is positioned above something else.
Hence, an error lies in Option 3.

5. Decisions that impact the lives (A)/of billions requires scrutiny and fixing of (B)/accountability, yet dealing (C)/with a once-in-a-century pandemic is a tough call (D)/ No error (E).

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D
  5. E

The correct answer is option B i.e. B.
‘Decisions’ which is the subject of the sentence is a plural noun and therefore, the helping verb related to it must be a plural verb or plural helping verb. Therefore, ‘require’ is correct here.
The correct sentence is:
Decisions that impact the lives of billions require scrutiny and fixing of accountability, yet dealing with a once-in-a-century pandemic is a tough call.
Hence, the chosen option is correct.

6. As the UN has emphasises, getting students(A)/ safely back to the classroom must be a top (B)/priority as we confront a generational (C)/catastrophe that could waste untold human potential (D)/ No error (E).

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D
  5. E

The correct answer is option 1 i.e. A.
Has’ when used for perfect sentences is followed by 3 rd form of Verb and when used for perfect continuous, it is followed by ‘been + verb (ing)’. ‘Has + emphasises’ is wrong.
The correct sentence is:
As the UN has emphasised, getting students safely back to the classroom must be a top priority as we confront a generational catastrophe that could waste untold human potential.
Hence, the chosen option is correct.

7. Simran wanted to know if she can join the institute for the preparation of the exam.

  1. Simran wanted to know 
  2. institute for the 
  3. preparation of the exam  
  4. if she can join the
  5. No Error

The Correct answer is option 4 i.e. if she can join the
First part of the sentence is in past form i.e. ‘Simran wanted to know’, so 2nd part i.e. ‘she can join the institute’ should also be in past form.
Hence, ‘can’ must be replaced with ‘could’ to make the sentence correct. 
The correct sentence will be-
Simran wanted to know if she could join the institute for the preparation of the exam.

8. The schools, on their part, are not taking chances (A)/and have made mandatory the consent (B)/of guardians, besides putting in place the (C)/Covid protocol to rule out chances of the infection being contract (D)/ No error (E).

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D
  5. E

The correct answer is option 4 i.e. D.
‘Being’ is used here to show a simple past sentence and not a continuous tense. Therefore, it must be followed by ‘contracted’ and not ‘contract’.
The correct sentence is:
The schools, on their part, are not taking chances and have made mandatory the consent of guardians, besides putting in place the Covid protocol to rule out chances of the infection being contracted.
Hence, the chosen option is correct.

9. Not only I like to write songs, but I also have an interest in singing.

  1. but I also have 
  2. Not only I like to 
  3. an interest in singing
  4. write the songs,
  5. No Error     

The Correct answer is option 2 i.e. Not only I like to
The given sentence is in inverted form. 
The error is in option 2. We need to place the helping verb ‘do’ before the subject ‘I’ here to make the sentence grammatically correct. 
In an inverted sentence, the verb is placed before the subject of the phrase, as if it’s a question.
The correct sentence will be-
Not only do I like to write songs, but I also have an interest in singing.

10. The beautiful painted landscape of hills is a perfect gift for my hubby.

  1. is a perfect  
  2. of hills 
  3. The beautiful painted landscape    
  4. gift for my hubby
  5. No Error 

The Correct answer is option 3 i.e. The beautiful painted landscape
In the sentence, the error is in the use of the word ‘beautiful’.
The sentence needs an adverb before ‘painted landscape’ and thus it should be ‘beautifully’ not ‘beautiful’.
The correct sentence will be-
The beautifully painted landscape of hills is a perfect gift for my hubby.