SQL COUNT(), AVG() and SUM()

  1. SQL COUNT() Function :
    The COUNT() function provides the number of rows that matches a specified condition.

    COUNT() Syntax –

    SELECT COUNT(column_name)
    FROM table_name
    WHERE condition; 
  2. SQL AVG() Function :
    The AVG() function provides the average value of a numeric column.

    AVG() Syntax –

    SELECT AVG(column_name)
    FROM table_name
    WHERE condition;
  3. SQL SUM() Function :
    The SUM() function provides the total sum of a numeric column.

    SUM() Syntax –

    SELECT SUM(column_name)
    FROM table_name
    WHERE condition;

Let us assume, we have a table “BeginnerTab”.

Name City Salary ID DOJ
Abc Delhi 4500 134 6-Aug
Dfe Noida 6500 245 4-March
Def Jaipur 5400 546 2-July
Mno Noida 7800 432 7-June
Jkl Jaipur 5400 768 9-July
Lmn Delhi 7800 987 8-June
Ijk Jaipur 6700 654 5-June

  1. COUNT() Example :
    The following SQL statement finds the number of Names in the “BeginnerTab” table :

    FROM BeginnerTab; 

    Output –

  2. AVG() Example :
    The following SQL statement finds the average price of salary in the “BeginnerTab” table :

    SELECT AVG(Salary)
    FROM BeginnerTab; 

    Output –

  3. SUM() Example :
    The following SQL statement will find the sum of the Salary in the “BeginnerTab” table :

    SELECT SUM(Salary)
    FROM BeginnerTab; 

    Output –
