Sum of all vertical levels of a Binary Tree

Given a binary tree consisting of either 1 or 0 as its node values, the task is to find the sum of all vertical levels of the Binary Tree, considering each value to be a binary representation.


Input:              1
                     /     \
                  1         0
               /   \      /   \
            1      0  1      0
Output: 7
Taking vertical levels from left to right:
For vertical level 1: (1)2 = 1
For vertical level 2: (1)2 = 1
For vertical level 3: (101)2 = 5
For vertical level 4: (0)2 = 0
For vertical level 5: (0)2 = 0
Total sum = 1+1+5+0+0 = 7

Input:             0
                    /    \
                 1       0
               / \         \
            1   1          0
           / \   \        / \
        1   1   1     0   0
Output: 8
Taking vertical levels from left to right: 
For vertical level 1: (1)2 = 1
For vertical level 2: (1)2 = 1
For vertical level 3: (11)2 = 3
For vertical level 4: (01)2 = 1
For vertical level 5: (010)2 = 2
For vertical level 6: (0)2 = 0
For vertical level 7: (0)2 = 0
Total sum = 1+1+3+1+2+0+0 = 8

Approach: Follow the steps below to solve the problem:

  1. Perform a tree traversal while keeping track of the horizontal and vertical distance from the root node
  2. Store the node value corresponding to its horizontal distance in a Hashmap.
  3. Initialize a variable, say ans, to store the required result.
  4. Create a Hashmap, say M, to store horizontal distance as key and an array of pairs {node value, distance of the node from the root}.
  5. The height for each node is also stored as the vertical level is needed to be in a sorted order (from top to bottom), to get the correct decimal value of its binary representation.
  6. Perform preorder tree traversal and also pass vertical height and horizontal distances as parameters.
    • If the root is not NULL, perform the following operations:
      • Append the pair {node value, vertical height in the horizontal distance} in M.
      • Traverse the left subtree, decrementing the horizontal distance by 1.
      • Traverse the right subtree, incrementing the horizontal distance by 1.
      • Increment the vertical height by 1 for both of the recursive calls.
  7. Now, traverse the Hashmap, say M and for every key, perform the following steps:
  8. Print the value of ans

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


// C++ program for super ugly number
using namespace std;
// Structure of a Tree node
struct TreeNode
  int val = 0;
  TreeNode *left;
  TreeNode *right;
  TreeNode(int x)
    val = x;
    left = right = NULL;
// Function to convert
// binary number to decimal
int getDecimal(vector<pair<int, int> > arr)
  // Sort the array on
  // the basis of the
  // first index i.e, height
  sort(arr.begin(), arr.end());
  // Store the required
  // decimal equivalent
  // of the number
  int ans = 0;
  // Traverse the array
  for (int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++)
    ans <<= 1;
    ans |= arr[i].second;
  // Return the answer
  return ans;
// Function to traverse the tree
void Traverse(TreeNode *root, int hd, int ht,
              map<int, vector<pair<int, int> > > &mp)
  // If root is NULL, return
  if (!root)
  mp[hd].push_back({ht, root->val});
  // Make recursive calls to the left and
  // right subtree
  Traverse(root->left, hd - 1, ht + 1, mp);
  Traverse(root->right, hd + 1, ht + 1, mp);
// Function to calculate
// sum of vertical levels
// of a Binary Tree
void getSum(TreeNode *root)
  // Dictionary to store the
  // vertical level as key and
  // its corresponding
  // binary number as value
  map<int,vector<pair<int,int> > > mp;
  // Function Call to perform traverse the tree
  Traverse(root, 0, 0, mp);
  // Store the required answer
  int ans = 0;
  // Get decimal values for each vertical level
  // and add it to ans
  for (auto i:mp)
    ans += getDecimal(i.second);
  // Print the answer
/* Driver program to test above functions */
int main()
  TreeNode *root = new TreeNode(1);
  root->left = new TreeNode(1);
  root->right = new TreeNode(0);
  root->left->left = new TreeNode(1);
  root->left->right = new TreeNode(0);
  root->right->left = new TreeNode(1);
  root->right->right = new TreeNode(0);
  // Function call to get the
  // sum of vertical level
  // of the tree
  return 0;
// This code is contributed by mohit kumar 29.


// Java program for super ugly number
import java.util.*;
// Structure of a Tree node
class TreeNode
  int val = 0;
  TreeNode left;
  TreeNode right;
  TreeNode(int x)
    val = x;
    left = right = null;
class GFG {
  static Map<Integer, ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>> mp = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>>();
  // Function to convert
  // binary number to decimal
  static int getDecimal(ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer> > arr)
    // Sort the array on
    // the basis of the
    // first index i.e, height
    Collections.sort(arr, new Comparator<ArrayList<Integer>>() {   
      public int compare(ArrayList<Integer> o1, ArrayList<Integer> o2) {
        return o1.get(0).compareTo(o2.get(0));
    // Store the required
    // decimal equivalent
    // of the number
    int ans = 0;
    // Traverse the array
    for (int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++)
      ans <<= 1;
      ans |= arr.get(i).get(1);
    // Return the answer
    return ans;
  // Function to traverse the tree
  static void Traverse(TreeNode root, int hd, int ht)
    // If root is NULL, return
    if (root == null)
      mp.get(hd).add(new ArrayList<Integer>(Arrays.asList(ht, root.val)));
      mp.put(hd,new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>());
      mp.get(hd).add(new ArrayList<Integer>(Arrays.asList(ht, root.val)));
    // Make recursive calls to the left and
    // right subtree
    Traverse(root.left, hd - 1, ht + 1);
    Traverse(root.right, hd + 1, ht + 1);
  // Function to calculate
  // sum of vertical levels
  // of a Binary Tree
  static void getSum(TreeNode root)
    // Function Call to perform traverse the tree
    Traverse(root, 0, 0);
    // Store the required answer
    int ans = 0;
    // Get decimal values for each vertical level
    // and add it to ans
    for(Integer key : mp.keySet())
      ans += getDecimal(mp.get(key));
    // Print the answer
  // Driver code
  public static void main (String[] args)
    TreeNode root = new TreeNode(1);
    root.left = new TreeNode(1);
    root.right = new TreeNode(0);
    root.left.left = new TreeNode(1);
    root.left.right = new TreeNode(0);
    root.right.left = new TreeNode(1);
    root.right.right = new TreeNode(0);
    // Function call to get the
    // sum of vertical level
    // of the tree
// This code is contributed by avanitrachhadiya2155


# Python program
# for the above approach
# Structure of a Tree node
class TreeNode:
    def __init__(self, val ='',
                 left = None, right = None):
        self.val = val
        self.left = left
        self.right = right
# Function to convert
# binary number to decimal
def getDecimal(arr):
    # Sort the array on
    # the basis of the
    # first index i.e, height
    # Store the required
    # decimal equivalent
    # of the number
    ans = 0
    # Traverse the array
    for i in range(len(arr)):
        ans <<= 1
        ans |= arr[i][1]
    # Return the answer
    return ans
# Function to calculate
# sum of vertical levels
# of a Binary Tree
def getSum(root):
    # Dictionary to store the
    # vertical level as key and
    # its corresponding
    # binary number as value
    mp = {}
    # Function to traverse the tree
    def Traverse(root, hd, ht):
        # If root is NULL, return
        if not root:
        # Store the value in the map
        if hd not in mp:
            mp[hd] = [[ht, root.val]]
            mp[hd].append([ht, root.val])
        # Make recursive calls to the left and
        # right subtree
        Traverse(root.left, hd - 1, ht + 1)
        Traverse(root.right, hd + 1, ht + 1)
    # Function Call to perform traverse the tree
    Traverse(root, 0, 0)
    # Store the required answer
    ans = 0
    # Get decimal values for each vertical level
    # and add it to ans
    for i in mp:
        ans += getDecimal(mp[i])
    # Print the answer
# Driver Code
# Given Tree
root = TreeNode(1)
root.left = TreeNode(1)
root.right = TreeNode(0)
root.left.left = TreeNode(1)
root.left.right = TreeNode(0)
root.right.left = TreeNode(1)
root.right.right = TreeNode(0)
# Function call to get the
# sum of vertical level
# of the tree


// C# program for super ugly number
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
// Structure of a Tree node
public class TreeNode
  public int val = 0;
  public TreeNode left, right;
  public TreeNode(int x)
    val = x;
    left = right = null;
public class GFG
  static Dictionary<int,List<List<int>>> mp =
    new Dictionary<int,List<List<int>>>();
  // Function to convert
  // binary number to decimal
  static int getDecimal(List<List<int> > arr)
    // Sort the array on
    // the basis of the
    // first index i.e, height
    arr.OrderBy( l => l[0]);
    // Store the required
    // decimal equivalent
    // of the number
    int ans = 0;
    // Traverse the array
    for (int i = 0; i < arr.Count; i++)
      ans <<= 1;
      ans |= arr[i][1];
    // Return the answer
    return ans;
  // Function to traverse the tree
  static void Traverse(TreeNode root, int hd, int ht)
    // If root is NULL, return
    if (root == null)
      mp[hd].Add(new List<int>(){ht, root.val});
      mp.Add(hd,new List<List<int>>());
      mp[hd].Add(new List<int>(){ht, root.val});
    // Make recursive calls to the left and
    // right subtree
    Traverse(root.left, hd - 1, ht + 1);
    Traverse(root.right, hd + 1, ht + 1);
  // Function to calculate
  // sum of vertical levels
  // of a Binary Tree
  static void getSum(TreeNode root)
    // Function Call to perform traverse the tree
    Traverse(root, 0, 0);
    // Store the required answer
    int ans = 0;
    // Get decimal values for each vertical level
    // and add it to ans
    foreach(int key in mp.Keys)
      ans += getDecimal(mp[key]);
    // Print the answer
  // Driver code
  static public void Main ()
    TreeNode root = new TreeNode(1);
    root.left = new TreeNode(1);
    root.right = new TreeNode(0);
    root.left.left = new TreeNode(1);
    root.left.right = new TreeNode(0);
    root.right.left = new TreeNode(1);
    root.right.right = new TreeNode(0);
    // Function call to get the
    // sum of vertical level
    // of the tree
// This code is contributed by rag2127


// Javascript program for super ugly number
// Structure of a Tree node
class TreeNode
        this.val = x;
        this.left = this.right = null;
let mp = new Map();
// Function to convert
  // binary number to decimal
function getDecimal(arr)
    arr.sort(function(a,b){return a[0]-b[0]});
    // Store the required
    // decimal equivalent
    // of the number
    let ans = 0;
    // Traverse the array
    for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)
      ans <<= 1;
      ans |= arr[i][1];
    // Return the answer
    return ans;
// Function to traverse the tree
function Traverse(root, hd, ht)
    // If root is NULL, return
    if (root == null)
      mp.get(hd).push([ht, root.val]);
      mp.get(hd).push([ht, root.val]);
    // Make recursive calls to the left and
    // right subtree
    Traverse(root.left, hd - 1, ht + 1);
    Traverse(root.right, hd + 1, ht + 1);
// Function to calculate
  // sum of vertical levels
  // of a Binary Tree
function getSum(root)
    // Function Call to perform traverse the tree
    Traverse(root, 0, 0);
    // Store the required answer
    let ans = 0;
    // Get decimal values for each vertical level
    // and add it to ans
    for(let [key, value] of mp.entries())
      ans += getDecimal(value);
    // Print the answer
// Driver code
let root = new TreeNode(1);
root.left = new TreeNode(1);
root.right = new TreeNode(0);
root.left.left = new TreeNode(1);
root.left.right = new TreeNode(0);
root.right.left = new TreeNode(1);
root.right.right = new TreeNode(0);
// Function call to get the
// sum of vertical level
// of the tree
// This code is contributed by unknown2108




Time Complexity: O(N * log(N))
Auxiliary Space: O(N)