Regression Metrics
Machine learning is an effective tool for predicting numerical values, and regression is one of its key applications. In the arena of regression analysis, accurate estimation is crucial for measuring the overall performance of predictive models. This is where the famous machine learning library Python Scikit-Learn comes in. Scikit-Learn gives a complete set of regression metrics to evaluate the quality of regression models....
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Autocorrector Feature Using NLP In Python
Autocorrect is a way of predicting or making the wrong spellings correct, which makes the tasks like writing paragraphs, reports, and articles easier. Today there are a lot of Websites and Social media platforms that use this concept to make web apps user-friendly....
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Python Sklearn – sklearn.datasets.load_breast_cancer() Function
In this article, we are going to see how to convert sklearn dataset to a pandas dataframe in Python....
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Face Detection in Flutter using Firebase ML Kit
Face detection is a technique by which we can locate the human faces in the image given. Face detection is used in many places nowadays, especially websites hosting images like Picasa, Photobucket, and Facebook. The automatic tagging feature adds a new dimension to sharing pictures among the people who are in the picture and also gives the idea to other people about who the person is in the image. And In this article, we are not using our own created Face detection machine learning algorithm. But We will be using the Firebase ML kit that gives us to use the face detection algorithm in Flutter....
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Line Plot in R with Error Bars
A line plot is a graphical representation of a series of data. Line plots are widely used in data visualization. In we use ggplot2( ) and plot( ) function to create line plot. Error bars act as a visual enhancement that help us to see variability of the plotted data. Error Bars are used to show standard error, standard deviation i.e. with the help of integrated error bars in our plot we can know the estimated error....
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Interpretations of Histogram
Histograms helps visualizing and comprehending the data distribution. The article aims to provide comprehensive overview of histogram and its interpretation....
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F-Test in Statistics
F test is a statistical test that is used in hypothesis testing, that determines whether or not the variances of two populations or two samples are equal. An f distribution is what the data in a f test conforms to. By dividing the two variances, this test compares them using the f statistic. Depending on the details of the situation, a f-test can be one-tailed or two-tailed. The article will provide further information on the f test, the f statistic, its calculation, critical value, and how to use it to test hypotheses....
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Perceptron Algorithm for Logic Gate with 3-bit Binary Input
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Handling Imbalanced Data for Classification
A key component of machine learning classification tasks is handling unbalanced data, which is characterized by a skewed class distribution with a considerable overrepresentation of one class over the others. The difficulty posed by this imbalance is that models may exhibit inferior performance due to bias towards the majority class. When faced with uneven settings, the model’s bias is to value accuracy over accurately recognizing occurrences of minority classes....
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How to Choose Right Machine Learning Algorithm?
Machine Learning is the field of study that gives computers the capability to learn without being explicitly programmed. ML is one of the most exciting technologies that one would have ever come across. A machine-learning algorithm is a program with a particular manner of altering its own parameters, given responses on the past predictions of the data set....
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Polar Charts in R
Polar charts, sometimes referred to as radial charts or spider charts, are effective tools for data visualization that show data points in a circular, two-dimensional layout. In R Programming Language These graphs are very helpful for showing multivariate data, highlighting patterns, and comparing various variables across various categories or data points. Polar charts are simple to make in R using a variety of tools, with ggplot2 being one of the most common options due to its adaptability and customization possibilities....
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Recursive Neural Network in Deep Learning
Recursive Neural Networks are a type of neural network architecture that is specially designed to process hierarchical structures and capture dependencies within recursively structured data. Unlike traditional feedforward neural networks (RNNs), Recursive Neural Networks or RvNN can efficiently handle tree-structured inputs which makes them suitable for tasks involving nested and hierarchical relationships. In this article, we will discuss RvNN, its work principles, and some frequently asked questions....
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