Php Program to Find a pair with the given difference
Given an unsorted array and a number n, find if there exists a pair of elements in the array whose difference is n. Examples:...
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Javascript Program for Maximum difference between groups of size two
Given an array of even number of elements, form groups of 2 using these array elements such that the difference between the group with highest sum and the one with lowest sum is maximum.Note: An element can be a part of one group only and it has to be a part of at least 1 group. Examples:...
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Javascript Program for Pairs such that one is a power multiple of other
You are given an array A[] of n-elements and a positive integer k (k > 1). Now you have find the number of pairs Ai, Aj such that Ai = Aj*(kx) where x is an integer. Note: (Ai, Aj) and (Aj, Ai) must be count once.Examples :...
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Javascript Program For Moving All Occurrences Of An Element To End In A Linked List
Given a linked list and a key in it, the task is to move all occurrences of the given key to the end of the linked list, keeping the order of all other elements the same....
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Javascript Program for Number of local extrema in an array
You are given an array on n-elements. An extrema is an elements which is either greater than its both of neighbors or less than its both neighbors. You have to calculate the number of local extrema in given array. Note : 1st and last elements are not extrema.Examples :...
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Php Program to Find maximum element of each row in a matrix
Given a matrix, the task is to find the maximum element of each row.Examples:...
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Javascript Program for Number of unique triplets whose XOR is zero
Given N numbers with no duplicates, count the number of unique triplets (ai, aj, ak) such that their XOR is 0. A triplet is said to be unique if all of the three numbers in the triplet are unique....
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Javascript Program for Print all triplets in sorted array that form AP
Given a sorted array of distinct positive integers, print all triplets that form AP (or Arithmetic Progression)Examples :...
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Php Program for Number of pairs with maximum sum
Write a PHP program for a given array arr[], count the number of pairs arr[i], arr[j] such that arr[i] + arr[j] is maximum and i < j....
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Javascript Program for Longest subsequence of a number having same left and right rotation
Given a numeric string S, the task is to find the maximum length of a subsequence having its left rotation equal to its right rotation....
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Javascript Program to Count of rotations required to generate a sorted array
Given an array arr[], the task is to find the number of rotations required to convert the given array to sorted form.Examples:...
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Php Program for Number of local extrema in an array
You are given an array on n-elements. An extrema is an elements which is either greater than its both of neighbors or less than its both neighbors. You have to calculate the number of local extrema in given array. Note : 1st and last elements are not extrema.Examples :...
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