Javascript program to swap two numbers without using temporary variable
To swap two numbers without using a temporary variable, we have multiple approaches. In this article, we are going to learn how to swap two numbers without using a temporary variable....
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Javascript Program for Find lost element from a duplicated array
Given two arrays that are duplicates of each other except one element, that is one element from one of the array is missing, we need to find that missing element.Examples:...
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Javascript Program for Number of unique triplets whose XOR is zero
Given N numbers with no duplicates, count the number of unique triplets (ai, aj, ak) such that their XOR is 0. A triplet is said to be unique if all of the three numbers in the triplet are unique....
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Php Program to Find lost element from a duplicated array
Given two arrays that are duplicates of each other except one element, that is one element from one of the array is missing, we need to find that missing element.Examples:...
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Java Program for Number of unique triplets whose XOR is zero
Given N numbers with no duplicates, count the number of unique triplets (ai, aj, ak) such that their XOR is 0. A triplet is said to be unique if all of the three numbers in the triplet are unique....
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Python3 Program for Number of unique triplets whose XOR is zero
Given N numbers with no duplicates, count the number of unique triplets (ai, aj, ak) such that their XOR is 0. A triplet is said to be unique if all of the three numbers in the triplet are unique....
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Length of the longest subarray whose Bitwise XOR is K
Given an array arr[] of size N and an integer K, the task is to find the length of the longest subarray having Bitwise XOR of all its elements equal to K....
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Count pairs with bitwise XOR exceeding bitwise AND from a given array
Given an array, arr[] of size N, the task is to count the number of pairs from the given array such that the bitwise AND(&) of each pair is less than its bitwise XOR(^)....
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Bitwise operations on Subarrays of size K
Given an array arr[] of positive integers and a number K, the task is to find the minimum and maximum values of Bitwise operation on elements of subarray of size K....
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Minimum XOR of OR and AND of any pair in the Array
Given an array arr[] of N positive integers the task is to find the minimum value of Bitwise XOR of Bitwise OR and AND of any pair in the given array....
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Find a number which give minimum sum when XOR with every number of array of integers
Given an array arr[] of non-negative integers, the task is to find an integer X such that (arr[0] XOR X) + (arr[1] XOR X) + … + arr[n – 1] XOR X is minimum possible.Examples:...
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Count of pairs with bitwise XOR value greater than its bitwise AND value | Set 2
Given an array arr that contains N positive Integers. Find the count of all possible pairs whose bit wise XOR value is greater than bit wise AND value...
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