XOR in a range of a binary array
Given a binary array arr[] of size N and some queries. Each query represents an index range [l, r]. The task is to find the xor of the elements in the given index range for each query i.e. arr[l] ^ arr[l + 1] ^ … ^ arr[r]....
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Find a partition point in array to maximize its xor sum
Given an array a of size N. The task is to find an index ‘i’ (1 <= i <= N) such that (a[1] ^ … ^ a[i]) + (a[i+1] ^ … ^ a[N]) (x^y represents the xor value of x and y) is maximum possible....
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Find the two non-repeating elements in an array of repeating elements/ Unique Numbers 2
Given an array arr[] containing 2*N+2 positive numbers, out of which 2*N numbers exist in pairs whereas the other two number occur exactly once and are distinct. Find the other two numbers. Return in increasing order....
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XOR Linked List: Remove last node of the Linked List
Given an XOR linked list, the task is to delete the node at the end of the XOR Linked List....
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XOR of two numbers after making length of their binary representations equal
Given two numbers say a and b. Print their XOR after making the lengths of their binary representation equal by adding trailing zeros to the binary representation of smaller one. Examples :...
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Levelwise Alternating OR and XOR operations in Segment Tree
A Levelwise OR/XOR alternating segment tree is a segment tree, such that at every level the operations OR and XOR alternate. In other words at Level 1 the left and right sub-trees combine together by the OR operation i.e Parent node = Left Child OR Right Child and on Level 2 the left...
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Leftover element after performing alternate Bitwise OR and Bitwise XOR operations on adjacent pairs
Given an array of N(always a power of 2) elements and Q queries.Every query consists of two elements, an index, and a value… We need to write a program that assigns value to Aindex and prints the single element which is left after performing the below operations for each query:...
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Minimum elements to be removed to make pairwise Bitwise XOR 0 or 1
Given an array X[] of length N. Then your task is to output the minimum number of elements needed to remove so that the Bitwise XOR of any pair is either 0 or 1....
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Quadruplet pair with XOR zero in the given Array
Given an array arr[] of N integers such that any two adjacent elements in the array differ at only one position in their binary representation. The task is to find whether there exists a quadruple (arr[i], arr[j], arr[k], arr[l]) such that arr[i] ^ arr[j] ^ arr[k] ^ arr[l] = 0. Here ^ denotes the bitwise xor operation and 1 ? i < j < k < l ? N.Examples:...
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Alternate XOR operations on sorted array
Given an array arr[] and two integers X and K. The task is to perform the following operation on array K times:...
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Check if rows of a Matrix can be rearranged to make Bitwise XOR of first column non-zero
Given a matrix mat[][] of size N * M, the task is to check if it is possible to rearrange the row elements of the matrix such that Bitwise XOR of the first column element is non-zero. If it is possible then print “Yes” else print “No”....
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Queries to find the XOR of an Array after replacing all occurrences of X by Y
Given an array arr[] consisting of N distinct integers and queries Q[][] of the type {X, Y}, the task for each query is to find the bitwise XOR of all the array elements after replacing X by Y in the array....
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