Phases of a Compiler
Prerequisite – Introduction of Compiler design...
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Memento Method – Python Design Patterns
Memento Method is a Behavioral Design pattern which provides the ability to restore an object to its previous state. Without revealing the details of concrete implementations, it allows you to save and restore the previous version of the object. It tries not to disturb the encapsulation of the code and allows you to capture and externalize an object’s internal state....
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Brush Libraries in Illustrator
Adobe Illustrator has brush libraries which are essentially stored sets of predefined settings for brushes that users can draw upon and use in their artwork. Illustrator brushes are tools for simulating the presence of real-world pointing instruments, pens, or other drawing implements that artists can use to create endless forms and fancy effects in their designs. These libraries contain more magic corridors than one might believe with each tool being a different instrument capable of bringing life into your work In some ways these act like characteristics if they were pieces we may see on display....
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How Interaction Design Enhances UI/UX?
In this day and age where the designs are coming closer to the users and emotionally appealing to the users, making a design conversational is a must. This means that the design should be able to convey to the user that taking a particular action would lead to what result. Because of this user can perform their task easily. This is why Interaction Design became popular....
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UI Design of a Tech Company Website
UI Design of a Tech Company should design pages like Home Page, Products, Services, Stores and Service Centers, Careers, and About Us Pages that explain Principles of UI. Using Design Principles to select the color and theme of the brand helps in marketing the brand pretty well to the customers as it it a tech company website so, it should look and feel like a modern website with great UI....
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Patterns and Frameworks in OOAD
Patterns and Frameworks in Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD) are like building blocks for making strong and reliable software. This article delves at, exploring important patterns and frameworks that help make software development easier and faster. We talk about both the classic design patterns and newer frameworks that help organize software better. Understanding these patterns and frameworks helps developers create software that can handle complexity, predict problems, and last a long time without getting outdated....
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What is API Gateway | System Design ?
An API Gateway is a key component in system design, particularly in microservices architectures and modern web applications. It serves as a centralized entry point for managing and routing requests from clients to the appropriate microservices or backend services within a system....
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How AI and UI/UX Design are Connected?
The combination of UI/UX and AI creates a new dimension for digital interaction. AI and UI/UX design are two different words, but they come up together when discussing UI and UX design in the context of technology. In the digital age, the crossroads between AI and UI/UX design become central in shaping innovative directions for the future. The relationship between AI and UI/UX creates a metamorphosis of the mindset concerning the production, consumption, and use of digital devices. Computational AI’s intelligence coexists with art-inspired UI/UX design, exceeding the combined capabilities of both elements. This article sets out on a mission of untangling the interlaced link that binds these two realms. The symbiosis of evolutionary trends in digital interfaces, from the basic components to user experience transformation....
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10 Best UI UX Design Tools in 2024
In the world of digital design, making websites and apps that are easy and enjoyable to use is super important. Luckily, there are lots of tools out there to help designers do just that. In this article, we’ll check out some of the best tools for designing websites and apps, whether you’re a pro or just getting started. These tools make it easier to create awesome designs and make sure users love what they see and use....
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Difference between GCC and G++
GCC stands for GNU Compiler Collections which is used to compile mainly C and C++ language. It can also be used to compile Objective C and Objective C++. The most important option required while compiling a source code file is the name of the source program, rest every argument is optional like a warning, debugging, linking libraries, object file, etc. The different options of GCC command allow the user to stop the compilation process at different stages....
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Difference between OOP and POP
Object-oriented programming is modular, as it provides separation of duties in object-based program development. It is also extensible, as objects can be extended to include new attributes and behaviors. Objects can also be reused within an across applications. Because of these three factors – modularity, extensibility, and reusability – object-oriented programming provides improved software-development productivity over traditional procedure-based programming techniques....
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Indexing in System Design
System design is a complicated system that involves developing efficient and scalable solutions to satisfy the demands of modern applications. One crucial thing of system design is indexing, a way used to optimize information retrieval operations. In this article, we will delve into the idea of indexing, its significance, numerous types, and best practices for implementing indexing in system layout....
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