How to send data from client side to Node.js server using Ajax without page reloading ?
In this article, we are learning about how can we send data to a node server using Ajax without reloading the page from the client-side....
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Express.js | app.put() Function
The app.put() function routes the HTTP PUT requests to the specified path with the specified callback functions....
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Express.js | router.use() Function
The router.use() function uses the specified middleware function or functions. It basically mounts middleware for the routes which are being served by the specific router....
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How to use express in typescript ?
In this article, we will see how to use Express in TypeScript. The TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that provides type notation with the JavaScript, so we can handle our server, and very scalable for the future. Express is web framework helps to create server-side handling with the help of Nodejs...
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How to make .js variables accessible to .ejs files ?
EJS is a simple templating language that lets you generate HTML markup with plain JavaScript. It is possible to access JS variable in .ejs file....
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Working with forms using Express.js in Node.js
In this article, we will be working with forms using ExpressJS in NodeJS....
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Express.js express.raw() Function
The express.raw() function is a built-in middleware function in Express. It parses incoming request payloads into a Buffer and is based on body-parser....
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Express.js | app.all() Function
The app.all() function is used to route all types of HTTP requests. Like if we have POST, GET, PUT, DELETE, etc, requests made to any specific route, let’s say /user, so instead of defining different APIs like‘/user’), app.get(‘/user’), etc, we can define single API app.all(‘/user’) which will accept all type of HTTP request....
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How to Display Images using Handlebars in Node.js ?
In this article, we will discuss how to display images using handlebars in Node.js. You may refer to this article for setting up handlebars View Engine in Node.js...
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Razorpay Payment Integration using Node.js
Payment gateway is a technology that provides online solutions for money-related transactions, it can be thought of as a middle channel for e-commerce or any online business, which can be used to make payments and receive payments for any purpose....
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How Set Default Timezone in Node.js for Windows ?
Node.js is mainly used for non-blocking, event-driven servers because of its single-threaded nature. It is utilized for traditional websites and back-end API services but was created with real-time, push-based architectures in mind. By default, Node.js uses the system’s timezone for date and time operations. However, there may be situations where you need to set a specific timezone for your Node.js application regardless of the system’s timezone settings. This article will walk you through the process of setting the default timezone in Node.js for Windows. Additionally, we will cover how to install Node.js....
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Convert user input string into regular expression using JavaScript
In this article, we will convert the user input string into a regular expression using JavaScript.To convert user input into a regular expression in JavaScript, you can use the RegExp constructor. The RegExp constructor takes a string as its argument and converts it into a regular expression object...
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