How to Switch Branch in Git?
In version control system, Git is one of the most powerful tools for managing code changes and collaboration among developers. A fundamental aspect of Git’s functionality is its branching system, which enables you to work on multiple features or fixes concurrently without affecting the main codebase. In this article, we will see a walkaround on how to effectively switch between branches in Git....
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How to Add All Files in Git ?
Adding all files in Git is a common task when you want to stage all changes for committing. Adding all files in Git involves staging all modifications, additions, and deletions in your working directory for the next commit. This process ensures that all changes are included in the commit history. In this article, we will see the detailed guide for adding all files in Git....
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Using Git Attributes for Keyword Expansion and Substitution
Git attributes provide a powerful way to specify how certain files should be treated by Git. Among the many possible uses, one particularly useful application is keyword expansion and substitution. This feature allows developers to automatically replace specific keywords within files with corresponding values, making it handy for managing version information, author details, and other metadata within source code files....
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How to Delete Commit in Git?
Deleting a commit in Git can be done in several ways, depending on whether the commit is local or has already been pushed to a remote repository. Here’s an article on how to delete a commit in Git, covering both recent and older commits, as well as considerations for working with remote repositories....
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How to Use the “cherry-pick” Command in Git?
Git, with its myriad of commands and functionalities, offers developers powerful tools to manage project history efficiently. Among these commands, “cherry-pick” stands out as a versatile feature for selectively applying commits from one branch to another. In this guide, we’ll delve into the intricacies of the “cherry-pick” command, exploring its applications, syntax, and best practices....
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Javascript Program to Check if all array elements can be converted to pronic numbers by rotating digits
Given an array arr[] of size N, the task is to check if it is possible to convert all of the array elements to a pronic number by rotating the digits of array elements any number of times....
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How to abort merge in Git ?
In collaborative coding environments, Git’s merge feature is invaluable for integrating changes from different branches. However, there are times when a merge operation encounters conflicts or isn’t proceeding as expected, necessitating an abort. This article explores how to effectively abort a merge in Git, ensuring a smooth development workflow....
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How to Merge Two Branches in Git?
Version control systems like Git provide powerful tools for managing code changes and collaboration among developers. One common task in Git is merging branches, which allows you to combine the changes made in one branch into another. In this article, we will explore the process of merging branches in Git....
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Customizing Git Hooks for Workflow Automation
Git is a distributed version control system that monitors changes to a project. Git hooks are scripts that run in response to Git events such as commit or push. They automate tasks, enforce rules, and can be tailored to your project’s requirements. A pre-commit hook, for example, can detect errors in the code, whereas a post-receive hook can send email notifications. Customizing these hooks can help streamline your workflow and make Git a more versatile tool....
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Managing Git Repositories with GitLab
Git has revolutionized the way users collaborate and manage code and offers powerful version control features. However, managing Git repositories efficiently requires more than just version control. In this article, we will learn about one of the Git repo managers i.e. GitLab....
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How to Apply Patch in Git?
Git, the widely used version control system, offers powerful features for tracking changes in your codebase. One such feature is the ability to create and apply patches. Patches are a convenient way to share changes between repositories or contributors without direct access to the repository. This guide will walk you through the process of creating and applying patches in Git, ensuring a smooth workflow for collaborative development....
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How to Delete a Branch in Git?
When working with Git, it’s common to create branches to isolate changes and work on new features or fixes. However, once a branch has served its purpose, it’s often necessary to delete it to keep your repository clean and organized. In this article, we’ll see the process of deleting a Git branch using Git commands locally on your machine....
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