How to create a REST API using Java Spring Boot
Representational state transfer (REST) is a software architectural style that defines a set of constraints to be used for creating Web services. Web services that conform to the REST architectural style, called RESTful Web services, provide interoperability between computer systems on the Internet. RESTful Web services allow the requesting systems to access and manipulate textual representations of Web resources by using a uniform and predefined set of stateless operations. Other kinds of Web services, such as SOAP Web services, expose their own arbitrary sets of operations....
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Introduction to Spring Boot
Spring is widely used for creating scalable applications. For web applications Spring provides Spring MVC which is a widely used module of spring which is used to create scalable web applications. But main...
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Spring Boot | How to access database using Spring Data JPA
Spring Data JPA is a method to implement JPA repositories to add the data access layer in applications easily. CRUD stands for create, retrieve, update, delete which are the possible operations which can be performed in a database. In this article, we will see an example of how to access data from a database(MySQL for this article) in a spring boot application using spring data JPA....
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Spring MVC using Java based configuration
Prerequisites: MVC Design Pattern, Spring MVC with JSP ViewSpring MVC framework enables separation of modules namely Model, View and Controller and seamlessly handles the application integration. This enables the developer to create complex applications also using plain java classes. The model object can be passed between view and controller using maps. In this article, we will see how to set up a Spring MVC application in the Eclipse IDE and understand how to make applications. The Spring MVC framework is comprised of the following components:...
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How to create a basic application in Java Spring Boot
Spring Boot is the most popular Java framework that is used for developing RESTful web applications. In this article, we will see how to create a basic Spring Boot application.Spring Initializr is a web-based tool using which we can easily generate the structure of the Spring Boot project. It also provides various different features for the projects expressed in a metadata model. This model allows us to configure the list of dependencies that are supported by JVM. Here, we will create the structure of an application using Spring Initializr and then use an IDE to create a sample GET route....
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Spring Boot | How to publish JSON messages on Apache Kafka
Apache Kafka is a publish-subscribe messaging system. A messaging queue lets you send messages between processes, applications, and servers. In this article, we will see how to send JSON messages to Apache Kafka in a spring boot application....
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Spring Boot | How to publish String messages on Apache Kafka
Apache Kafka is a publish-subscribe messaging system. A messaging queue lets you send messages between processes, applications, and servers. In this article, we will see how to send string messages to Apache Kafka in a spring boot application....
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Spring Boot vs Node.js – Which One Should You Choose
This article explores the comparison between the two most popular backend technologies that exist for server-side applications. In today’s world online business is a boom for services like food delivery applications or giant e-commerce applications connecting small businesses with the help of server-side tech like spring boot development or node js development to provide ease of web services....
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Spring Security Login Page with React
Spring Security is the most powerful and highly customizable authentication, and it is access control framework for Java enterprise applications and React is a popular JavaScript library for building for the user interfaces. Integrating Spring Security with the React frontend allows you to create the secure login pages and protect your application’s resources....
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Laravel vs Spring Boot: Top Differences
Laravel and Spring Boot are the two most popular tools used to develop applications. A comparison between the two can be seen as a scenario where you need to build a house. You can either use all the tools that will help build the house with wood or tools that will help build the house with metal. The wood tools are easy to use, and building a house using wood is easier, but it is not as strong as compared to a house built using more sturdy materials like metal....
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Spring – Remoting By Hessian
We may use the HessianServiceExporter and HessianProxyFactoryBean classes to implement the hessian remoting service. The major advantage of Hessian’s is that Hessian works well on both sides of a firewall. Hessian is a portable language that may be used with other languages like PHP and.Net....
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How to Make get() Method Request in Java Spring?
Java language is one of the most popular languages among all programming languages. There are several advantages of using the java programming language, whether for security purposes or building large distribution projects. One of the advantages of using JAVA is that Java tries to connect every concept in the language to the real world with the help of the concepts of classes, inheritance, polymorphism, etc....
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