How to Connect MongoDB with Spring Boot?
In recent times MongoDB has been the most used database in the software industry. It’s easy to use and learn This database stands on top of document databases it provides the scalability and flexibility that you want with the querying and indexing that you need. In this, we will explain how we connect MongoDB with Spring Boot....
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What is Spring Data REST?
Spring Data REST is a framework that exposes Spring Data repositories as RESTful endpoints. It allows you to create REST APIs for your data without having to write any controller code. Under the hood, Spring Data REST uses Spring Data repositories to access and manage data. So you first need to define Spring Data repositories for your entities. These repositories extend interfaces like CrudRepository. To use Spring Data REST, you simply need to create Spring Data repositories for your domain model entities. Spring Data REST will then automatically expose these entities as REST resources. You can also customize the exposed resources using annotations and configuration options...
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10 Reasons to Use Spring Framework in Projects
Spring is the season that is known for fresh leaves, new flowers, and joy which makes our minds more creative. Do you know there is a bonus for us? We have another Spring as well. Our very own Spring framework! It is an open-source application framework that is used for building Java applications and projects....
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Spring MVC – Multiple Controller
We may construct numerous controllers at once in Spring MVC. Each controller class must be annotated with the @Controller annotation. A Spring MVC example with numerous controllers can be found here. The procedure is as follows:...
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Spring – RestTemplate
Due to high traffic and quick access to services, REST APIs are getting more popular. REST is not a protocol or a way of standard, rather it is a set of architectural constraints. It is also called RESTful API or web API. When a client request is made, it just transfers a representation of the state of the resource to the requester or at the endpoint via HTTP. This information delivered to the client can be in several formats as follows:...
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Spring Boot – WebClient with Example
Spring WebClient is a non-blocking and reactive web client to perform HTTP requests. It is also the replacement for the classic RestTemplate. It is a part of spring-webflux library and also offers support for both synchronous and asynchronous operations. The DefaultWebClient class implements this WebClient interface....
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Spring Framework Standalone Collections
Spring Framework allows to inject of collection objects into a bean through constructor dependency injection or setter dependency injection using <list>,<map>,<set>, etc. Given below is an example of the same....
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Spring with Castor Example
With the use of CastorMarshaller class, we can achieve marshal a java object into XML code and vice-versa of it with the help of using castor. The castor is the implemented class for Marshaller and Unmarshaller interfaces within it, thus it does not require other further configurations by its default. The most common example of Spring and Castor Integration is ‘Marshalling the Java Object into the XML....
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Spring Boot – Web Socket
WebSocket is used as a communication protocol that provides full-duplex communication channels over a single, long-lived connection between a client and a server. In this protocol, there are no restrictions like HTTP that for a response you have to make a request first....
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Spring MVC – Comparison of Cryptocurrencies using REST API
REST APIS is available in plenty nowadays. As cryptocurrencies are a hot topic nowadays, there is always a need to compare the different cryptocurrencies and get the corresponding value in different currencies. As a sample, let us take a REST API call as...
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Spring Cloud – Securing Services
Spring Cloud Security is an extremely versatile and strong framework for access control and authentication. To secure the Spring-based applications, this is a good mechanism. A Java application’s authentication and authorization are the main goals of the Spring Security framework. Our application can be authenticated across the board by using Spring Cloud Gateway and Spring Session to log users into a single service. This indicates that it will be simple for us to divide our application into appropriate domains and protect each one as needed....
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Spring Security – Basic Authentication
Spring Security is a framework that allows a programmer to use JEE components to set security limitations on Spring-framework-based Web applications. In a nutshell, it’s a library that can be utilized and customized to suit the demands of the programmer. Because it is a part of the same Spring family as Spring Web MVC, it works well together. The most significant benefit of this framework is that it is both strong and very adaptable. Although it adheres to Spring’s set-up conventions, programmers may select between default provisions and modify them to their specific requirements. Read more on Spring Security and its Features in this article Introduction to Spring Security and its Features....
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