JavaScript Program to Find the Factors of a Number
We have given the input number and we need to find all the factors of that number. Factors of the number are nothing but the numbers that divide the original input number evenly with the remainder of 0. Below we have added the example for better understanding:...
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JavaScript Program to Get the Dimensions of an Image
In this article, we need to retrieve the dimensions of an Image. The dimension of the image is nothing but the height and width of the image. This task is to be performed using JavaScript language. As it is a completely interactive statement, we will use HTML and CSS to make the application GUI-based for better understanding and concept understanding....
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How to Get All Substrings of the Given String in JavaScript ?
In this article, we are going to learn about getting all substrings of the given string by using javascript, Substrings of a string are contiguous sequences of characters obtained by selecting a range of characters from the original string. They can be of various lengths and positions within the string....
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JavaScript Program to Access Elements in an Array
In this article, we will learn how to access elements in an array using JavaScript. The Arrays in JavaScript are zero-indexed which means the first element is accessed using index 0 and the second element with index 1 and so on. Accessing elements in an array is a fundamental operation and is essential for various programming tasks....
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JavaScript Program to Create an Array with a Specific Length and Pre-filled Values
In JavaScript, we can create an array with a specific length and pre-filled values using various approaches. This can be useful when we need to initialize an array with default or placeholder values before populating it with actual data....
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JavaScript Program to Access Individual Characters in a String
In this article, we are going to learn about accessing individual characters from the given string. Accessing individual characters in a string means retrieving a specific character from the string using its index position (zero-based) or iterating through each character one by one....
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JavaScript Program to Print Number Pattern
The idea of pattern-based programs is to understand the concept of nesting for loops and how and where to place the alphabet/numbers/stars to make the desired pattern....
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JavaScript Program Replace Specific Words with Another Word in a String using Regular Expressions
In this article, we are going to learn about replacing specific words with another word in a string using regular expressions. Replacing specific words with another word in a string using regular expressions in JavaScript means searching for all occurrences of a particular word or pattern within the text and substituting them with a different word or phrase, considering possible variations and multiple instances....
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JavaScript Program to Check if Two Numbers have Same Last Digit
In this article, we will discuss how to check if two numbers have the same last digit in JavaScript. Checking the last digit of a number is a common requirement in programming tasks, and it can be useful in various scenarios. We will explore an approach using JavaScript to accomplish this task....
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JavaScript Program for Division of Two Numbers
In this article, we will see the basic approaches for the division of two numbers in JavaScript. The division is used in many languages, In JavaScript it can be done using some operators or some other methods....
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JavaScript Program to Convert an Array into a String
We have been given an array as an input that consists of various elements and our task is to convert this array of elements into a string by using JavaScript. Below we have added the examples for better understanding:...
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JavaScript Program to Determine the Length of an Array
Finding the length of an array in JavaScript refers to the process of determining the number of elements contained within an array....
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