How to pretty print JSON string in JavaScript ?
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format that is easy for humans to read and write, and easy for machines to parse and generate. In this article, we are going to learn how to pretty print JSON strings in JavaScript....
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Iterate over an array in JavaScript
Iterating over arrays in JavaScript is a fundamental task that developers frequently perform. JavaScript provides several methods to iterate through arrays, including for, forEach(), map(), filter(), reduce(), and for…of. Each method has its specific use cases, benefits, and best practices. This guide explores these different array iteration methods, demonstrating how to effectively loop through arrays to manipulate and access their elements in JavaScript....
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How to make ajax call from JavaScript ?
Ajax is a powerful tool in web development for asynchronous communication with servers. With Ajax, you can fetch data from the server and update your webpage without interrupting what your user sees. It’s a basic concept in programming....
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How to remove HTML tags from a string using JavaScript ?
In JavaScript, there are several methods available to remove HTML tags from a string. One common approach is to utilize the replace() function along with regular expressions to strip out the tags. Additionally, you can leverage properties such as .textContent and .innerText from the HTML DOM to achieve the same result....
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How to Remove Duplicates from an Array of Objects in JavaScript?
This article focuses on removing duplicate object elements from the JavaScript array. We are provided with an array of objects, and our goal is to eliminate duplicate objects from the list....
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How to Automatic Refresh a Web Page in a Fixed Time?
To automatically refresh a web page in a fixed time, we will predefine a time, and the browser will automatically refresh the webpage after that specified time....
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What is an event loop in JavaScript ?
JavaScript’s event loop is the core mechanism that enables asynchronous operations. Though single-threaded, it manages tasks efficiently. Imagine it as a queue system: events like user interactions or network requests are added to the queue, and the engine processes them one by one. This allows JavaScript to handle non-blocking tasks without freezing, keeping the application responsive even while waiting for data or other operations....
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How to check a date is valid or not using JavaScript ?
To check if a date is valid or not in JavaScript, we have to know all the valid formats of the date for e.g.”YYYY/DD/MM”,”DD/MM/YYYY”, and “YYYY-MM-DD”, etc. we will have a given date format and we need to check whether that given format is valid or not according to the official and acceptable date format....
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JavaScript Check if a key exists inside a JSON object
In JavaScript, working with JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) objects is common, and often, you may need to check whether a certain key exists within an object. This article will tell various methods to accomplish this task efficiently....
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How to make first letter of a string uppercase in JavaScript ?
In JavaScript, transforming the first letter of a string to uppercase is a common task, crucial for maintaining consistent text formatting and enhancing readability. Utilizing built-in string manipulation functions facilitates this process, ensuring user-friendly display and improving the overall user experience in web applications....
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Create a Music Player using JavaScript
As streaming is increasingly being adopted by users, online media players have become essential for consuming media on the internet. Music players allow one to enjoy music in any browser and supports a lot of the features of an offline music player.We will be creating a music player with a clean user interface that can be used to play music in the browser. We will also implement features like seeking and volume control. HTML has several methods in the HTMLMediaElement interface that can be used to play audio files and control its playback without using any other library.We will start by creating the HTML layout first that defines the structure of the player, make it look good by styling using CSS and then write the player logic for all the functions in JavaScript....
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JavaScript Pass string parameter in onClick function
In JavaScript, you can pass a string parameter in an onClick function by enclosing the function call in an anonymous function. In this article, we will see how to Pass string parameters in the onClick function....
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