Lodash _.debounce() Method
Lodash _.debounce() method is used to create a debounced function that delays the given function until after the stated wait time in milliseconds has passed since the last time this debounced function was called....
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JavaScript Interview Questions and Answers
JavaScript (JS) is the most popular lightweight scripting and compiled programming language. It was developed by Brendan Eich in 1995. It is well-known as a scripting language for web pages, mobile apps, web servers, and many more. It is an important language for aspiring front-end and back-end developers. some job roles demand individuals to be fluent in JavaScript. It is used by top IT companies such as Evernote, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Opera, NASA, and Meta because of its DOM manipulation, asynchronous JavaScript, error handling, and JavaScript frameworks in which it may be used. So, to get into these companies, you need to complete these Top JavaScript interview questions which can make you seem like an expert in front of recruiters....
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How to trigger a file download when clicking an HTML button or JavaScript?
In today’s digital age, numerous applications offer the feature to upload and download files. For instance, plagiarism checker tools enable users to upload a document file containing text. The tool then checks for plagiarism and generates a report, which can be downloaded by the user....
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How to change selected value of a drop-down list using jQuery?
In this article, we are going to change the default selected value of the dropdown using jQuery. In an HTML select tag, the default selected value is the value given to the first option tag. With jQuery, it is easy to change the selected value from a drop-down list....
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JavaScript Promise
JavaScript Promises used to simplify managing multiple asynchronous operations, preventing callback hell and unmanageable code. They represent future values, associating handlers with eventual success or failure, resembling synchronous methods by postponing value delivery until later....
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Upload and Retrieve Image on MongoDB using Mongoose
Prerequisites: For getting started with this you should have some familiarity with NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB, and Mongoose....
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How to get client IP address using JavaScript ?
Imagine your computer as your apartment. Just like each apartment has a unique address for receiving mail, your computer has an IP address that helps it receive information from the internet. This IP address acts like a label that identifies your specific device on the vast network of computers, ensuring the data you request reaches the right place....
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JavaScript promise resolve() Method
A Promise is an object that represents either the completion or failure of a user task. A promise in JavaScript can be in three states pending, fulfilled, or rejected....
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How to change the background color after clicking the button in JavaScript ?
In this article, we will learn how we can change the background color of an element once a button is clicked by the user using JavaScript and jQuery....
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How to compare two arrays in JavaScript ?
We will see how to compare two arrays in JavaScript. First, we need to compare whether the length of both arrays should be the same or not, and then whether objects present in them are of the same type and whether each item of one array is equal to the other array or not....
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How to check if an array includes an object in JavaScript ?
In JavaScript, an array acts like like list. It’s a way to group multiple items together under one name. You can store different things in your list, like numbers, words, or even other lists. Each item in the list has its own place, and you can access it using a number called its “index.”...
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Angular File Upload
The file upload is an essential component to make a form that store some image kind of data. It helps in applications using image upload or in the file sharing. This file-upload component uses file.io API for uploading file and in return it provides a shareable link. Furthermore, we can send get request to shareable link to get the file but for now, our only focus is on upload section so we only use the post method....
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