Legal Aspects of Buying a Home : 10 Step-by-Step Guide
Buying a home is a major financial step for anyone or a family. It’s more than just finding the right house; there are a lot of legal things to think about too. Knowing these legal aspects is important to make sure everything goes smoothly when buying a house. In this article we will explore each step from the legal aspect of buying a home, making it easier for you to understand and feel confident in the process. Whether you’re a first-time buyer or not, understanding these legal steps will help you navigate through the complexities of buying a house....
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Difference between Monarchy and Dictatorship
Monarchy and dictatorship represent two distinct forms of governance, each with its own set of characteristics and historical implications. In some nations, a dictator (dictatorship) or a king (monarchy) holds total power and jurisdiction over the whole nation. These regimes are regarded as violating citizens’ rights. Under these regimes, there is no legitimately elected government. The monarch, who may be a king or a dictator, controls every aspect of national policy. Without seeking input from the public, they have the authority to enact laws, and the people would be forced to obey....
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Discharge of Contract : Meaning, Modes and Exceptional Cases
Indian Contract Act, 1872 is a central law that validates the Contracts or Agreements between various parties. The act regulates and oversees all the business in case of any dealings or an agreement. The Indian Contract Act, 1872 defines the term Contract under Section 2(h) as “An agreement enforceable by law”. Hence, a contract is anything that is an agreement and enforceable by the law of the land....
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Doctrine of Privity of Contract: Meaning, Exceptions and FAQs
As per the Indian Contract Act 1872, the Doctrine of Privity of Contract states that a third party to a contract cannot sue for a contract, for which he was not a party and a promise for which he didn’t furnish any consideration, even if the contract was made for his benefit. Any contract which is entered by two or more persons thereby creates rights and obligations on them, it is only a party to the contract who can enforce his rights against the other party. This creates a basic principle underlying the law of contract, that a stranger to a contract cannot maintain a suit for a remedy....
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Ethos Legal Alliance Interview Experience
Introduction:As a law student seeking hands-on experience in the legal field, I had the opportunity to secure an internship at a Law Firm- Ethos Legal Alliance, a reputable establishment renowned for its expertise in corporate law. The interview process was rigorous, demanding both academic proficiency and a genuine passion for law. Here, I recount my transformative internship experience, which not only enhanced my legal knowledge but also provided invaluable practical insights into the world of law....
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Difference between Judicial Review and Judicial Activism
Judicial Review and Judicial Activism are the two core ideas in the field of justice. Though their goals, strategies, and ramifications are different, both are crucial in forming the legal system. This comparative research examines the distinctions between judicial review and judicial activism, emphasizing the roles, circumstances, and outcomes of both in the political and legal spheres....
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Coercion under Indian Contract Act : Case Laws and Effects
According to the Indian Contract Act, 1872, consent is when two or more persons agree upon the same thing in the same sense. To create a legal relationship between two parties to a contract, they must agree to the same thing in the same sense. Here, an agreement will be completed only when both parties to the contract agree or are ready to perform a contract in the same sense or harmony. For free consent in a contract, both parties to the contract should commit to the same thing and must show mutual trust between them....
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Electronic Payment System: Types, Advantages, Disadvantages and Regulatory Bodies
An Electronic Payment System is defined as a mode of payment over an electronic network, such as the Internet. The Indian economy has developed at a rapid pace since the growth of e-commerce, electronic payments, and digital payments have gone a long way. Electronic payments have been rising since the implementation of demonetization and will continue to do so with the current government ensuring that these types of payments are promoted....
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E-Signatures & Electronic Contracts: 10 things You Need to Know
In today’s modern world, many business transactions are done digitally. One important aspect of this is the use of electronic signatures and contracts. Instead of signing papers with a pen, people can now sign documents online using their computers or smartphones. This change makes things more convenient and efficient, but it also raises questions about legality and security. In this article, we’ll go over the basics of e-signatures and electronic contracts, explaining their significance, legal implications, and practical considerations....
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Acceptance: Meaning, Legal Rules and FAQs
Acceptance holds a crucial role in contract law acting as the key that transforms a simple offer into the foundation of a legally binding agreement. Since its enactment in 1872, the Indian Contract Act has been the guiding force behind the legal principles that oversee contracts throughout India. It acts as a rulebook that helps everyone know their rights and duties when they’re making deals and entering into contracts. In the context of contract law, acceptance refers to the unequivocal and unconditional consent to the terms of an offer. It signifies the offeree’s unreserved willingness to be bound by the conditions articulated by the offeror....
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Contract of Pledge: Meaning and Important Cases
Contract of Pledge is a formal agreement whereby one party, referred to as the Pawnor, promises particular items or property to another, referred to as the Pawnee, as security for a debt or obligation. Contract of Pledge carries unique legal implications, encompassing enforceability, consequences of default, and legal rights of both parties. The transfer of possession and the right of sale contribute to an enhanced security arrangement, safeguarding the Pawnee’s interests. The Pawnor transfers ownership of the pledged item to the Pawnee under the agreement, with the understanding that the Pawnor keeps ownership and the Pawnee has a security interest....
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Franchising Agreements: Meaning, Components, and Types
A Franchise Agreement is a legally binding contract between the two parties to the Franchise Relationship. A Franchise Agreement requires one to assume control of a franchise as a Franchisee. With the emergence of globalization, firms have adopted different business models to survive. Hence, Franchising is one of the business concepts that involves both domestic and foreign participants....
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