100 in Roman Numerals
“C” is derived from the Latin word “centum,” which means one hundred. When you see “C” in Roman numerals, you know you’re dealing with a century or a quantity of 100....
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Identify the terms and their factors in 1 + x + x2
Terms in an algebraic expression are separated using addition(+) and subtraction(-) operators. In the expression 1 + x + x2 there are three terms and those terms are added below:...
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Find a complex number a + bi such that a2 + b2 is irrational
Real and imaginary numbers combine to form complex numbers. The imaginary component, I (iota), indicates a square root of -1. The imaginary portion of a complex number is i. a + ib is a typical representation of complex numbers in their rectangular or standard form. 420 + 69i, for example, is a complex number in which 420 represents the real part and 69 represents the imaginary part....
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Find y if 6y-8-6-8y = 4
Algebraic expression can also be termed variable expression. Algebraic expressions are considered equations where the variables are operated upon by operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division. An algebraic expression is defined using the variables, constants which are integral values, and these terms are recognized with additional coefficients. For instance, the examples of algebraic expressions are 4x+1 = 0 and so on....
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Polynomials – Definition, Standard Form, Types, Identities, Zeroes
Polynomials: In mathematics, polynomials are mathematical expressions consisting of indeterminates (also called variables) and coefficients, that involve only the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and positive-integer powers of variables. They are used in various fields of mathematics, astronomy, economics, etc. There are various examples of the polynomials such as 2x + 3, x2 + 4x + 5, etc....
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How to convert Binary to Hexadecimal?
Number Systems are a major part of mathematics. The number system and its conversions are used in the various fields of mathematics and computer science. This article is about the binary, hexadecimal, and conversion of binary to the hexadecimal number system. The binary to decimal conversion is very easy and is explained further. The binary number system is a system in which numbers are expressed in the base 2. In the binary number system, the numbers are represented in terms of 0s and 1s only. The digits in the binary number system are called bits or binary digits. Example: (10110)2,...
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Laws of Logarithms
The logarithm is the exponent or power to which a base is raised to get a particular number. For example, ‘a’ is the logarithm of ‘m’ to the base of ‘x’ if xm = a, then we can write it as m = logxa. Logarithms are invented to speed up the calculations and time will be reduced when we are multiplying many digits using logarithms. Now, Let’s discuss the laws of logarithms below....
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How to find Vertical and Horizontal Asymptotes?
To identify the vertical asymptotes of a function, set the denominator equal to zero and solve for x. Since the denominator is factored, set each factor equal to zero and solve individually. To determine the horizontal asymptotes, compare the degrees of the numerator and the denominator....
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Arithmetic Mean
Arithmetic Mean is defined as the ratio of all the values or observations to the total number of values or observations. Arithmetic Mean is one of the fundamental formulas used in mathematics and it is highly used in various solving various types of problems. We can understand it with some examples, if in a family the husband earns 35,000 rupees and his wife earns 40,000 rupees then what is their average salary? This average is also called the arithmetic mean of 35,000 rupees and 40,000 rupees, which is calculated by adding these two salaries and then dividing it by 2....
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How do you find the mode if no number is repeated?
In statistics, for a given data distribution the mode is the value or number that occurs most frequently. It is representative of the value or integer that occurs the maximum number of times. However, there may or may not be a modal value for a given set of dataset. This is because the given data set may have repeating or non-repeating values. In addition to this, a given data set may have one, two, or multiple modes. A dataset influences the value of the mode....
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How many 3-digit numbers can be made with digits 1, 2, and 3?
Number System is a mathematical value used for counting and measuring objects, and for performing arithmetic calculations. It is a system of writing for expressing numbers. It gives a special representation to every number and represents the arithmetic and algebraic form of the number. It allows us to operate arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division....
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Is 0 a Natural Number?
0 is not a Natural number. Instead, Zero is a whole numbers, not natural number. The natural number start with 0 and end up to infinity. It is a positive integer that range from 1 to infinity(∞). These numbers may be counted and are commonly used in calculations. Natural numbers are commonly denoted as “N”. We use numbers daily. They are commonly cited as numerals. We can’t count things, dates, times, money, etc., without numbers....
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