Class 11 RD Sharma Solutions- Chapter 23 The Straight Lines- Exercise 23.3
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Class 11 RD Sharma Solutions – Chapter 28 Introduction to 3D Coordinate Geometry – Exercise 28.1
(i) (5, 2, 3)...
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Measures of Central Tendency in Statistics
Central Tendencies in Statistics are the numerical values that are used to represent mid-value or central value a large collection of numerical data. These obtained numerical values are called central or average values in Statistics. A central or average value of any statistical data or series is the value of that variable that is representative of the entire data or its associated frequency distribution. Such a value is of great significance because it depicts the nature or characteristics of the entire data, which is otherwise very difficult to observe....
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Class 11 NCERT Solutions – Chapter 7 Permutations And Combinations – Exercise 7.2
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Parabola – Graph, Properties, Examples & Equation of Parabola
Parabola is one of the conic sections in Math. It is an intersection of a surface plane and a double-napped cone. A parabola is a U-shaped curve that can be either concave up or down, depending on the equation. Parabolic curves are widely used in many fields such as physics, engineering, finance, and computer sciences....
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Complex Numbers
Complex Numbers are the natural continuation of real numbers. In the modern age complex numbers are used in many fields such as digital signal processing, cryptography, and many computer-related fields....
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Polar Representation of Complex Numbers
We are quite familiar with complex numbers, we know the numbers which are of the form (x + i y) where x & y are real numbers and i (iota) is the imaginary unit. Till now we have mostly discussed the complex numbers of the form (x + i y) this is called the algebraic form or geometrical form of a complex number which is most commonly used but there are some other forms of a complex number too. And we are going to cover another important form of complex numbers that is Polar form or Trigonometrical form....
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Class 11 RD Sharma Solutions – Chapter 4 Measurement of Angles – Exercise 4.1 | Set 1
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One to One Functions in Mathematics
One to One Function or One-One Function is one of the types of functions defined over domain and codomain and describes the specific type of relationship between domain and the codomain. One to One Function is also called the Injective Function. One to One Function is a mathematical function where each element in the domain maps to a unique element in the codomain....
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Class 11 NCERT Solutions- Chapter 10 Straight Lines – Exercise 10.2 | Set 2
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Class 11 NCERT Solutions- Chapter 11 Conic Section – Exercise 11.3
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Class 11 NCERT Solutions – Chapter 1 Sets – Exercise 1.5
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