Area Formulas
Area Formulas for various objects are the formulas that are used to find the area of various object. Area is the space occupied by the boundary of any figure. Area formulas of various geometric shapes are dependent on various parameters, such as dimensions, height, and radius of various geometric shapes. Geometric shapes are of two types that are:...
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Gross Profit Formula
Gross Profit is defined as the amount of money left over after selling corporate goods or services. It equals the amount of money or profit made by a company after subtracting selling and receiving expenses. The value of gross profit is maximum when the value of revenue is greater and the cost of goods is minimum. It aids cost accountants and management in the creation of budgets and future projections. It also assists investors in evaluating the margins or earnings of two or more firms, regardless of size or sales....
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Write the equation of the circle in standard form x2 + y2 – 8x + 6y + 9 = 0
Conic sections also referred to as conics, are formed when a plane intersects a cone. The shape of such sections depends upon the angle at which the intersection happens. As such there are four types of conic sections, namely the circle, ellipse, parabola and hyperbola. Each of these shapes has its own properties and equations in mathematics. The circle is discussed below....
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Convert Square Mile to Square Meter
Unit conversion is defined as the process of changing standard units from one form to another according to the requirements. For various reasons, the requirement for fundamental conversion has always existed in the relevant professions. One of the methods of conversion from one unit to the other is by calculating the conversion factor between the two concerned units. Complex mental calculations may be avoided using these resources, and rapid and precise results can be attained....
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How to find the area and perimeter of an equilateral triangle?
In mathematics or in daily lives geometry and geometrical shapes always play an essential role. Starting from a simple tray to a big building, we are always surrounded by geometry in different shapes and sizes. The shape and surface to be taken up by such shapes need to be calculated so as to store them without any difficulty, or to meet the needs of the people using them. Such study or computation is given a special name in the field of mathematics....
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Why is the Set of Natural Numbers Undecidable?
A system in mathematics defining numbers and arranging numbers on different bases is the number system. A number system can be defined as the proper way of representing numbers on the number line. Number system has different bases and there are majorly four types of bases known, they are, binary number system, decimal number system, octal number system, and hexadecimal number system. The most commonly used number system in mathematics is the decimal number system, the digits belonging from 0-9. The decimal system has base 10. There are different types of numbers defined based on the properties of numbers. Let’s learn about natural numbers,...
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Write the first four terms of the AP where a = 10 and d = 10
Arithmetic is a branch of mathematics that deals with the common operations performed in numbers which include addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Arithmetic is considered an elementary part of number theory; the term arithmetic was used as a synonym for number theory until the beginning of the twentieth century....
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Calculate the common difference of the AP: 1/b, 3–b/3b, 3–2b/3b,…
Arithmetic probably has the longest history during the time. It is a method of calculation that is been in use from ancient times for normal calculations like measurements, labeling, and all sorts of day-to-day calculations to obtain definite values. The term got originated from the Greek word “arithmos” which simply means numbers....
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Convert Cubic Feet To Liter (ft³ to l)
A cubic foot and a liter are units that are used to measure a unit volume. Volume is a mathematical quantity that is used to describe the amount of space enclosed by a three-dimensional object of any shape. The volume of an object is measured in terms of cubic units such as m3, cm3, ft3, yd3, in3, etc., and is also referred to as capacity. For instance, the amount of water that a conical flask can hold is measured by its volume....
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Tangent Addition Formula
Trigonometric identities are equalities using trigonometric functions that hold true for any value of the variables involved, hence defining both sides of the equality. These are equations that relate to various trigonometric functions and are true for every variable value in the domain. The formulae sin(A+B), cos(A-B), and tan(A+B) are some of the sum and difference identities....
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Diagonal of a Polygon Formula
Diagonals of a polygon are the lines that connect the alternate vertices of the polygon. A polygon of n sides has n(n-3)/2 diagonals. A polygon is a closed figure with n sides (where n is always greater than equal to 3). A polygon is a closed shape with three or more straight sides, and diagonals are the line segments that connect any two non-adjacent vertices of the polygon....
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Improper Fractions
Improper Fraction is a fraction in which the numerator is greater than the denominator. Fractions are types of numbers that are used to represent numbers between two whole numbers. Suppose we have to find the number between 2 and 3 then using the concept of fractions we can find the number between 2 and 3 as 5/2. Fractions are generally of two types: Improper fraction and Proper fractions....
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