Mongoose Document Model.prototype.base API
The Model.prototype.base property of the Mongoose API is used to return the base Mongoose instance the model uses....
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Tensorflow.js Function
Tensorflow.js is a Google-developed open-source toolkit for executing machine learning models and deep learning neural networks in the browser or on the node platform. It also enables developers to create machine learning models in JavaScript and utilize them directly in the browser or with Node.js....
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Types of Keys in Relational Model (Candidate, Super, Primary, Alternate and Foreign)
Keys are one of the basic requirements of a relational database model. It is widely used to identify the tuples(rows) uniquely in the table. We also use keys to set up relations amongst various columns and tables of a relational database....
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Backbone.js idAttribute Model
The Backbone.js idAttribute model is used to return the input model’s unique identifier, i.e. it provides the unique identifier of the model, having the class member’s name, which in turn can be utilized as an id....
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What are Backbone.js Models ?
Backbone.js model is the heart or main component of a javascript application. It contains the interaction data and logic of the user interaction with the view layer. In other words, it is the brain or logic behind the event triggering and decides how to handle user events and interaction it does conversions, validations, computation, and access control, Model provides us with methods to handle changes....
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statsmodels.robust_skewness() in python
With the help of statsmodels.robust_skewness() method, we can calculate the four skewness measures in Kim & White....
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Render a HTML Template as Response – Django Views
A view function, or view for short, is simply a Python function that takes a Web request and returns a Web response. This article revolves around how to render an HTML page from Django using views. Django has always been known for its app structure and ability to manage applications easily. Let’s dive in to see how to render a template file through a Django view....
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AutoField – Django Models
According to documentation, An AutoField is an IntegerField that automatically increments according to available IDs. One usually won’t need to use this directly because a primary key field will automatically be added to your model if you don’t specify otherwise....
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Render Model in Django Admin Interface
Rendering model in admin refers to adding the model to the admin interface so that data can be manipulated easily using admin interface. Django’s ORM provides a predefined admin interface that can be used to manipulate data by performing operations such as INSERT, SEARCH, SELECT, CREATE, etc. as in a normal database. To start entering data in your model and using admin interface, one needs to specify or render model in
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Backbone.js Underscore Methods (9) Model
Backbone.js Underscore Methods Model is the 9 Underscore models which we can use with Backbone models. These are the proxies to underscore.js to provide 9 object functions on Backbone.Model. These functions are keys, values, pairs, inverts, pick, omit, chain and isEmpty....
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PositiveSmallIntegerField – Django Models
PositiveSmallIntegerField is a integer number represented in Python by a int instance. This field is like a PositiveIntegerField. The default form widget for this field is a NumberInput when localize is False or TextInput otherwise. It supports values from 0 to 32767 in all databases supported by Django.It uses MinValueValidator and MaxValueValidator to validate the input based on the values that the default database supports....
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EmailField – Django Models
EmailField is a CharField that checks the value for a valid email address using EmailValidator. EmailValidator validates a email through predefined regex which checks ‘@’ and a ‘.’ defined after it. One can change the regex by exploring options from EmailValidator itself. Syntax...
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