How to make HTTP requests in Node ?
In the world of REST API, making HTTP requests is the core functionality of modern technology. Many developers learn it when they land in a new environment.  Various open-source libraries including NodeJS built-in HTTP and HTTPS modules can be used to make network requests from NodeJS....
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How to Run Many Parallel HTTP Requests using Node.js ?
We know NodeJS application is single-threaded. Say, if processing involves request A that takes 10 seconds, it does not mean that a request which comes after this request needs to wait 10 seconds to start processing because NodeJS event loops are only single-threaded. The entire NodeJS architecture is not single-threaded....
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Node.js HTTP Module
To make HTTP requests in Node.js, there is a built-in module HTTP in Node.js to transfer data over the HTTP. To use the HTTP server in the node, we need to require the HTTP module. The HTTP module creates an HTTP server that listens to server ports and gives a response back to the client....
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Node.js HTTP Module Complete Reference
To make HTTP requests in Node.js, there is a built-in module HTTP in Node.js to transfer data over the HTTP. To use the HTTP server in the node, we need to require the HTTP module. The HTTP module creates an HTTP server that listens to server ports and gives a response back to the client....
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Node.js new Agent() Method
The Node.js HTTP API is low-level so that it could support the HTTP applications. In order to access and use the HTTP server and client, we need to call them (by ‘require(‘http’)‘). HTTP message headers are represented as JSON Format....
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Node.js http.server.timeout Property
The http.server.timeout is an inbuilt application programming interface of class Server within the HTTP module which is used to get the default Timeout value in milliseconds. In Node.js, the default server timeout is 0 milliseconds for the latest version and 2min i.e. (120000 milliseconds) for the older version....
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Node.js http.server.listen() Method
The http.server.listen() is an inbuilt application programming interface of the class Server within the HTTP module which is used to start the server by accepting new connections....
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Node.js http.server.keepAliveTimeout Property
The http.server.keepAliveTimeout is an inbuilt application programming interface of class Server within http module which is used to get the number of milliseconds of inactivity a server needs to wait for additional incoming data....
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Node.js agent.createConnection() Method
The Node.js HTTP API is low-level so that it could support the HTTP applications. In order to access and use the HTTP server and client, we need to call them (by ‘require(‘http’)‘). HTTP message headers are represented as JSON Format....
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Node.js http.server.setTimeout() Method
The http.server.setTimeout() is an inbuilt application programming interface of the class Server within HTTP module which is used to set the time-out value for the socket....
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Node.js http.ClientRequest.setHeader() Method
The http.ClientRequest.setHeader() is an inbuilt application programming interface of class ClientRequest within the HTTP module which is used to set the object of the header....
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Node.js http.ClientRequest.abort() Method
The http.ClientRequest.abort() is an inbuilt application programming interface of class Client Request within http module which is used to abort the client request....
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