Node.js crypto.sign() Function
Cryptography is the process of converting plain text into unreadable which is hashed from text and vice-versa and the crypto.sign() is used to create signature of data....
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Node.js slice() function
The slice() function is a string function of Node.js which is used to extract sub-string from a string....
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Node.js new X509Certificate() Function
The new X509Certificate(buffer) is  an inbuilt constructor of class X509Certificate within crypto module which is used to provide a PEM encoded X509 Certificate....
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Node.js console.error() Function
The console.error() function from the console class of Node.js is used to display an error message on the console. It prints to stderr with a newline....
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Node.js assert.throws() Function
The assert module provides a set of assertion functions for verifying invariants. The assert.throws() is used when the code throws an exception based on specific circumstances, to catch the error object for testing and comparison....
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Node.js indexOf() function
The indexOf() function is a string function from Node.js which is used to find a string with another string....
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Node.js crypto.scryptSync( ) Function
The crypto.scryptSync() is an inbuilt function which Provides a synchronous scrypt implementation in Node.js. scrypt is a password-based key derivation function. It is intended to be costly computationally plus memory-wise. So, the brute-force attacks are made unsuccessful....
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Node.js querystring.encode() Function
The querystring.encode() method is used to produce a URL query string from the given object that contains the key-value pairs. The method iterates through the object’s own properties to generate the query string....
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Node.js x509.verify() Function
The x509.verify() is an inbuilt application programming interface of class X509Certificate within crypto module which is used to check if the certificate was signed by the given public key....
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Node.js querystring.decode() Function
The querystring.decode() method is used to parse a URL query string into an object that contains the key and pair values of the query URL. The object returned does not inherit prototypes from the JavaScript object, therefore usual Object methods will not work. During parsing, the UTF-8 encoding format is assumed unless there is an alternative character encoding format. To decode alternative character encoding, the decodeURIComponent option has to be specified....
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Node.js pop() function
pop() is an array function from Node.js that is used to remove elements from the end of an array....
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Node.js console.warn() Function
The console.warn() function from console class of Node.js is used to display the warning messages on the console. It prints to stderr with newline....
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