How to Design a Simple Calendar using JavaScript ?
In this article, we will see how to Create a calendar using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that displays the current month and year, and allows the user to navigate to previous and next months. Also, it allows the user to jump to a specific month and year. The calendar should also highlight the current date....
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ReactJS Calculator App ( Structure )
In our previous article, we have talked about a Calculator app we are going to develop and also have seen a glimpse of our final project. In this article, we will get our hands ready to start the development of our first application. We have told this earlier also that every application we will develop in React will be made up of pieces called components. We can see a UI broken down into multiple individual pieces called components and work on them independently and merge them all in a parent component which will be your final UI. So let’s now try to break down the UI of calculator App into smaller pieces. We will get the following elements after breaking the UI into small pieces:...
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How to create a Landing page using HTML CSS and JavaScript ?
A landing page, also referred to as a lead capture page, static page, or destination page, serves a specific purpose and typically appears as a result of online advertising or search engine optimization efforts. Unlike a homepage, a landing page is stripped of distractions and focuses on capturing visitor information through a form, while reassuring them that the website can address their needs. In this article, we are going to create a landing page using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript....
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What is Event bubbling and Event Capturing in JavaScript ?
Event bubbling and event capturing are the two interesting concepts of JavaScript. Before diving deep into these fascinating concepts, let us first know about what an event listener is? An event listener is basically a function that waits for an event to occur. That event can be anything like a mouse click event, submitting a form, pressing keys of a keyboard, etc....
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Instagram Clone using HTML and CSS
In this project, we will be building an Instagram Clone using HTML and CSS, which includes creating a posting page where users can scroll and see the posted images. This project is majorly divided into 3 different sections first is the Header section Here, we will build the simple navbar & header of the page that includes the search bar and the status uploaded by followers....
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Create a snake game using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Snake Game is a single-player game where the snake gets bigger by eating the food and tries to save itself from the boundary of the rectangle and if the snake eats their own body the game will be over....
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Currency converter app using ReactJS
In this article, we will be building a very simple currency converter app with the help of an API. Our app contains three sections, one for taking the user input and store it inside a state variable, a menu where users can change the units of conversion, and finally a display section where we display the final results....
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Percentage calculator using HTML CSS and JavaScript
The percentage calculator is useful for students, shopkeepers, and for solving basic mathematical problems related to percentages. In this article, we are going to learn, how to make a percentage calculator using HTML CSS, and JavaScript...
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How to create a dynamic report card using HTML, CSS and JavaScript ?
We have to build a website where you can upload your student data like their name and marks in different subjects. And after uploading it will insert the student data in the table as well as, it will show the total marks, average, and pass/fail status. The implementation is done by using HTML and JavaScript....
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Design a simple counter using HTML CSS and JavaScript
A simple counter is a numeric display that increments or decrements based on user interaction. To design one using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, create a display area and buttons. Use JavaScript to increment or decrement the counter value and update the display accordingly....
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Web Scraping Coronavirus Data into MS Excel
Prerequisites: Web Scraping using BeautifulSoup...
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How to Create ToDo App using HTML, CSS, JS and Bootstrap ?
We will create a basic todo app to understand the basics of JavaScript. In this web app, one can create a todo list and can remove specific elements from the list.Features or Functionalities to implement:...
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