Setting up Google Cloud SQL with Flask
Setting up a database can be very tricky, yet some pretty simple and scalable solutions are available and one such solution is Google Cloud SQL. Cloud SQL is a fully-managed database service that makes it easy to set up, maintain, and administer your relational PostgreSQL and MySQL databases in the cloud. Setting it up can be both tricky and simple, confused? I am here to clear the confusion....
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Web crawling using Breadth First Search at a specified depth
Web scraping is extensively being used in many industrial applications today. Be it in the field of natural language understanding or data analytics, scraping data from websites is one of the main aspects of many such applications. Scraping of data from websites is extracting large amount of contextual texts from a set of websites for different uses. This project can also be extended for further use such as topic or theme based text summarization, news scraping from news websites, scraping of images for training a model etc....
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Fetching text from Wikipedia’s Infobox in Python
An infobox is a template used to collect and present a subset of information about its subject...
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How to Use Google Cloud Function with Python ?
In this article, we will look into how to use the Google Cloud Function with python on any website....
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How to build a URL Shortener with Django ?
Building a URL Shortener, Is one of the Best Beginner Project to Hone your Skills. In this article, we have shared the steps to build a URL shortener using Django Framework. To know more about Django visit – Django Tutorial...
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Load Balancing Flask Application using Nginx and Docker
Load balancing means efficiently distributing the incoming traffic to different server instances. Nginx is open-source software that can be used to apply load balancing to backend systems. Nginx also can be serve services such as reverse proxy, caching, web server, etc....
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Associate user to its upload (post) in Django
Django provides built-in facilities of ForeignKey, and ManytoManyField for associating one model to another model. To associate a user model to a post model, one can use various options. This article revolves around how to associate a user to its post (post model). This tutorial uses the concept of foreign keys in Django and at the end, one will be able to create an application of post upload and also a profile app which contains all the past uploads of the user....
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Live Search Using Flask And jQuery
In this article, we will do a live search in Flask using Jquery. Live search means that whenever a user type any letter in the input box then all the words containing that letter will be shown....
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Integrating TinyMCE with Django
TinyMCE is a online rich text editor which is fully flexible and provides customisation. mostly used to get dynamic data such as articles in GFG and much more, their is no static database for posts...
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Intermediate fields in Django | Python
Prerequisite: Django models, Relational fields in DjangoIn Django, a many-to-many relationship exists between two models A and B, when one instance of A is related to multiple instances of B, and vice versa. For example – In a shop management system, an Item and a Customer share a many-to-many relationship, as one customer can buy multiple items, and multiple customers can buy the same item....
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Python vs Other Programming Languages
Python is a general-purpose, high level programming language developed by Guido van Rossum in 1991. It was structured with an accentuation on code comprehensibility, and its syntax allows programmers to express their concepts in fewer lines of code which makes it the fastest-growing programming language in current times....
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Python | Parse a website with regex and urllib
Let’s discuss the concept of parsing using python. In python we have lot of modules but for parsing we only need urllib and re i.e regular expression. By using both of these libraries we can fetch the data on web pages....
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