AngularJS input Directive
In this article, we will see how the input Directive in AngularJS can be utilized to change the default behavior of <input> elements. This can be done with the help of the ng-model attribute present inside the <input> element. <input> is an HTML tag that is used to get user data using the, which is an angular directive that is used for data binding(i.e., reference to the input element is provided by the ng-model). These both are combined to modify the input field....
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Angular PrimeNG Focus Trap Input with tabindex -1
Angular PrimeNG is an open-source framework with a rich set of native Angular UI components that are used for great styling and this framework is used to make responsive websites with very much ease. This article will show us how to use the Focus Trap Input with tabindex -1 in Angular PrimeNG. We will also learn about the various properties and their syntaxes used in the code example....
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AngularJS ng-mousedown Directive
The ng-mousedown Directive in AngularJS is used to apply custom behavior when mousedown event occurs on a specific HTML element. It can be used to show a popup alert when the mouse button is pressed down. It is supported by all HTML elements....
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Angular PrimeNG Captcha Component
Angular PrimeNG is an open-source framework with a rich set of native Angular UI components that are used for great styling and this framework is used to make responsive websites with very much ease. It provides a lot of templates, components, theme design, an extensive icon library, and much more. In this article, we are going to learn Angular PrimeNG Captcha Component....
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Adobe Interview Experience ( 3 Years Exp )
I was called to Noida office of Adobe situated in sector 132 Noida....
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AngularJS ng-keyup Directive
The ng-keyup Directive in AngluarJS is used to apply custom behavior on a keyup event. It is supported by <input>, <select> and <textarea> elements....
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Angular PrimeNG StyleClass Properties
Angular PrimeNG is an open-source framework for Angular applications. It has a rich set of native UI components that can be used to make attractive and scalable web interfaces. In this article, we will discuss Angular PrimeNG StyleClass Properties....
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AngularJS Includes
The ng-include directive can be utilized for including the HTML from the external file, i.e. it can be used for embedding an HTML page within HTML, which is not supported by HTML. The ng-controller directive also facilitates adding the AngularJS code into the HTML file. Adding the AngularJS code to the external HTML file will also be executed, even though, it is included in the external file. This helps to accomplish the overall tasks in an easier manner. In order to allow & include the Cross Domains, the ng-controller directive, by default, does not allow adding the include files that belong to other domains. In this case, if we need to accomplish the task then we need to add the whitelist of legal files and/or domains inside the config function of the application....
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Angular PrimeNG StyleClass Component
Angular PrimeNG is an open-source framework for Angular applications. It has a rich set of native UI components that can be used to make attractive and scalable web interfaces. In this article, we will see Angular PrimeNG StyleClass Component....
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AngularJS ng-dblclick Directive
The ng-dblclick Directive in AngluarJS is used to apply custom behavior when an element is clicked double. It can be used to show or hide some element or it can popup an alert or change the color of text when it is clicked twice. This means that the element’s original ondblclick event will not be overridden by this directive, both will be executed....
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AngularJS ng-mouseleave Directive
The ng-mouseleave directive in AngularJS is used to apply custom behavior when a mouse-leave event occurs on a specific HTML element. It can be used to show a popup alert when the mouse leaves a specific position in an HTML element. It is supported by all HTML elements....
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AngularJS ng-model-options Directive
The ng-model-options directive has the feature which helps the user to modify, within the current application, the behavior of the ngModel directives. Basically, it is in use when the user has to control the binding of a variable and an HTML form element in the scope. You can also specify the amount of waiting time for binding to happen. It could be programmed to take some time or could be done almost instantly. This directive is supported by the <input>, <select> & <textarea> tags....
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