Compute the maximum power with a given condition
Given 3 integers N, M, and K. The task is to find maximum P such that N * KP ? M....
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Program for power of a complex number in O(log n)
Given a complex number of the form x + yi and an integer n, the task is to calculate the value of this complex number raised to the power n.Examples:...
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Minimize cost to buy N elements using given cost Array
Given 2 arrays num[] and cost[] containing the number of elements and the cost to buy that many elements respectively. {i.e. cost[i] is the cost to buy num[i] elements}. The task is to minimize the cost to buy exactly N elements....
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Tail Recursion in Python Without Introspection
These are the special type of recursive functions, where the last statement executed inside the function is the call to the function itself....
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Compute power of power k times % m
Given x, k and m. Compute (xxxx…k)%m, x is in power k times. Given x is always prime and m is greater than x....
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Minimize sum of incompatibilities of K equal-length subsets made up of unique elements
Given an array arr[] consisting of N integers and an integer K, the task is to find the minimum sum of incompatibilities of K subsets of equal sizes having unique elements....
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Maximum sum of K elements selected from a Matrix
Given a positive integer K and a matrix arr[][] of dimensions N*M consisting of integers, the task is to find the maximum sum of K elements possible from the given matrix....
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Recursive Program to find Factorial of a large number
Given a large number N, the task is to find the factorial of N using recursion....
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Count sequences of length K having each term divisible by its preceding term
Given two integer N and K, the task is to find the number of sequence of length K consisting of values from the range [1, N], such that every (i + 1)th element in the sequence is divisible by its preceding ith element....
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Count number of pairs with the given Comparator
Given an array arr[], the task is to count the number of pairs (arr[i], arr[j]) on the right of every element with any custom comparator....
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Goldman Sachs Interview Experience | Campus drive for summer internship 2021 – IIT(BHU)
The process consisted of 1 online coding round , 3  tech interview rounds and 1 HR interview round....
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Count all pairs of divisors of a number N whose sum is coprime with N
Given an integer N, the task is to count all pairs of divisors of N such that the sum of each pair is coprime with N.Examples:...
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