Spectre Modals
Spectre Modals are flexible dialog prompts, the Spectre Modal component is a dialog box/popup window that is displayed on top of the current page, once the trigger button is clicked. However, clicking on the modal’s backdrop automatically closes the modal....
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Spectre Pagination
Spectre Pagination is used to create a pagination, it’s basically is used to enable navigation between pages in a website. The pagination used in spectre has a large block of connected links that are hard to miss and are easily scalable....
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Spectre Calendar
Spectre Calendars are designed for a date or date range picker and to display events. It is made with a flex layout, it is useful to create an attractive calendar....
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Spectre Shapes
Spectre Shapes are used to create different shapes for HTML elements. This is one of the most useful utilities in Spectre. To change any element’s shape, you just need to include this class....
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Spectre Text Colors
Spectre colors are one of the most useful utilities, there are two types of things where we can use colors. Like we can set colors for the text and we can set colors for the background....
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Spectre Form Input
The Spectre Forms provide the most common control component used in a regular form. In this article, we will discuss form input. The form input is an important component that is required to get the data from the user as usual....
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Spectre Loading
Spectre Loading Component is used to create loading indicator which is used for loading or updating. You can add the loading class to a container for loading status. We can use large sizes loading indicators....
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Spectre Cursor utilities
Spectre Cursor utilities are spectre classes that specify the mouse cursor which is displayed when mouseover is performed by the user or while pointing at an element. In CSS, refer to the CSS cursor property for a better understanding...
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Spectre Inline code
The HTML code element is used to style the inline code and the code snippet. In this article, we will learn about the Inline code. Inline code is a line of the actual code. For inline code, you can use the <code> element....
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Spectre Code snippet
The code element is used to style the inline code and the code snippet....
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Spectre Bars
Spectre Bars are used to represent the progress of the task, the value within the known range. Bars are components for displaying HTML5 <progress>, <meter> and input range elements....
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Spectre Media
The Spectre Media component includes responsive images, figures, and video classes. There are three categories in Spectre media, the Spectre Media Image is used to make the image responsive, we need to add the img-responsive class to <img> elements. The Spectre Media Figure is used to make the element <figure> for an image with a caption, and the Spectre Media Video is used to manipulate the video ratio for that we have to use other classes. The default ratio is 16:9. One can insert any YouTube, Youku or another iframe/embed video inside the container....
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