Minimum insertions to form a palindrome with permutations allowed
Given a string of lowercase letters. Find minimum characters to be inserted in the string so that it can become palindrome. We can change the positions of characters in the string....
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Count of Palindromic substrings in an Index range
Given a string str of small alphabetic characters other than this we will be given many substrings of this string in form of index tuples. We need to find out the count of the palindromic substrings in given substring range....
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Minimum number of palindromic subsequences to be removed to empty a binary string
Given a binary string, count minimum number of subsequences to be removed to make it an empty string....
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NFA to accept strings that has atleast one character occurring in a multiple of 3
Prerequisites: Finite AutomataGiven a string str consisting of characters a, b and c, check if the number of occurrences of any character in the string is a multiple of 3 or not....
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Longest substring having K distinct vowels
Given a string s we have to find the length of the longest substring of s which contain exactly K distinct vowels....
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Find frequency of each character with positions in given Array of Strings
Given an array, arr[] consisting of N strings where each character of the string is lower case English alphabet, the task is to store and print the occurrence of every distinct character in every string....
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Minimum removals to make a string concatenation of a substring of 0s followed by a substring of 1s
Given binary string str of length N​​​​, the task is to find the minimum number of characters required to be deleted from the given binary string to make a substring of 0s followed by a substring of 1s....
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Partition string into two substrings having maximum number of common non-repeating characters
Given a string str, the task is to find the maximum count of common non-repeating characters that can be obtained by partitioning the given string into two non-empty substrings....
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Length of longest substring to be deleted to make a string equal to another string
Given two strings str1 and str2, where str2 is a subsequence of str1, the task is to find the length of the longest substring of str1 which when removed, makes the strings str2 and str1 equal....
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Find the size of largest subset of anagram words
Given an array of n string containing lowercase letters. Find the size of largest subset of string which are anagram of each others. An anagram of a string is another string that contains same characters, only the order of characters can be different. For example, “abcd” and “dabc” are anagram of each other....
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How to Convert a String to ArrayList in Java?
Converting String to ArrayList means each character of the string is added as a separator character element in the ArrayList....
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Java Program To Check For Balanced Brackets In An Expression (Well-Formedness) Using Stack
Given an expression string exp, write a program to examine whether the pairs and the orders of “{“, “}”, “(“, “)”, “[“, “]” are correct in exp....
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