Spring Boot – Start/Stop a Kafka Listener Dynamically
When a Spring Boot application starts, Kafka Listener’s default behavior is to begin listening for a certain topic. However, there are situations when we don’t want to start it right away once our application launches....
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Kafka Consumer – CLI Tutorial
In Apache Kafka, a consumer is a client application that reads data from a Kafka cluster. The consumer subscribes to one or more topics and reads the messages that are published on those topics. The consumer is responsible for tracking its position in each topic so that it can read new messages as they are produced to the topic. The consumer can also store the messages that it reads, either for temporary use or for long-term storage. Kafka consumers can be written in any language, as long as they have access to the Kafka client library for that language. The Kafka client library provides APIs that allow the consumer to connect to a Kafka cluster, subscribe to topics, and read messages from the cluster....
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How to Set Up Apache Web Server in AWS EC2 Linux (Ubuntu) Instance?
In this article, we will look into the process of setting up Apache Web Server in AWS EC2 Linux Instance.This tutorial has been done on a system running Windows 10 Home (Version 20H2)....
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Apache Kafka – Topics using CLI
In Apache Kafka, a topic is a category or stream of messages that the Kafka message broker (or cluster) stores. Producers write data to topics and consumers read from topics. A Topic in Kafka is similar to a table in a database or a stream in a stream processing system. Each topic is divided into a number of partitions, which allows for parallel processing of the data by consumers. Messages are assigned to partitions based on a partitioning key, which can be any field in the message. Topics are used to store and transmit data in Kafka. They can be used for a wide range of applications, such as real-time data processing, event-driven architectures, and log aggregation. A topic in Kafka can be created, deleted, described, or changed using the CLI. Make sure Kafka is open before you begin. The necessary parameters must be specified in order to describe a Kafka topic and obtain partition information....
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Relational Overview Vs Cassandra Overview
In this article, we are going to discuss Cassandra and Relational overview in which we will cover and able to learn how Cassandra differentiates the Relational overview. Let’s discuss one by one....
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Materialized views with Practical approach in Cassandra
In this article, we will discuss a practical approach in Cassandra. In Cassandra, the Materialized view handles the server-side de-normalization and in between the base table and materialized view table ensure the eventual consistency. let’s understand with an example....
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Pre-defined data type in Apache Cassandra
Prerequisite – User Defined Type (UDT) in Cassandra In this article, we will discuss different types of data types in Cassandra which is used for various purpose in Cassandra such that in data modeling, to create a table, etc....
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Apache Kafka vs Apache Storm
In this article, we will learn about Apache Kafka and Apache Storm. Then we will learn about the differences between Apache Kafka and Apache Storm. Now let’s go through the article to know about Apache Kafka vs Apache Storm....
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Read Data From the Beginning Using Kafka Consumer API
Apache Kafka is a distributed, fault-tolerant stream processing system. Data is read from Kafka and output to standard output using the kafka-console-consumer CLI. To operate, the Kafka consumer sends fetch requests to the brokers in charge of the partitions it wishes to consume. With every request, the consumer offset is recorded in the log. A portion of the log is returned to the customer starting at the offset location. This position is mostly controlled by the user, who may even rewind it to re-consume data if they so want....
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Apache Kafka Streams – Simple Word Count Example
Kafka Streams is used to create apps and microservices with input and output data stored in an Apache Kafka cluster. It combines the advantages of Kafka’s server-side cluster technology with the ease of creating and deploying regular Java and Scala apps on the client side....
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How to Check Apache Version?
Determining the Apache version is pivotal for maintaining a secure, stable, and optimized web server environment. By identifying the Apache version, administrators can assess security vulnerabilities, ensure compatibility with software components, and leverage performance enhancements. Understanding the Apache version also aids in troubleshooting server issues, seeking relevant documentation, and complying with regulatory standards....
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Useful CQL query in Cassandra
Prerequisite – Cassandra In this article, we are going to discuss CQL query which is very useful to create, insert, delete, manipulate, filtering data etc. Let’s discuss how we can write the better CQL query for these operations....
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