TATA Communications Interview Experience For Graduate Trainee Engineer (On-Campus)

I applied to TATA Communications through campus, They offered the role of ‘Graduate Trainee Engineer’ and The location was in Pune.

The company registration will start on 23 Jan 2024 and I registered on some day itself.

The whole process of TCL includes:

  • Aptitude Round
  • Technical Round 1
  • Technical Round 2
  • HR Round

Let’s see each Round one by one:

Aptitude Round:

After registration, an aptitude round is conducted on 09/01/2024.

The total time for the Aptitude test is 30 min. and there are mainly 3 sections:

SR . NO.







10 min




10 min




10 min

It is an audio and video proctored assessment on the ‘AON’ platform from our respective places/locations.

From my college on average 500+ students appeared and 88 students were short-listed for the next Round Next which was conducted on 30/01/2024 in the CRPC office between 9:00 am to 6:00 pm.

On interview day firstly there are Preplacement Talk (PPT) in which all interviewers introduce themselves. The HR manager will elaborate on responsibilities related to the job role and location.

Technical Round 1:

The first technical round is taken by two interviewers. They have experience of 10 and 17 years respectively. So firstly they ask me about myself (intro) and Then about the company. So I tell about myself briefly and then explain about the company well.

During the explanation, I tell them, that the company works in various segments such as loT, networking, security, cloud computing, etc.

Then one of the interviewers asked me if I selected which field I preferred for working, and my answer was “cloud computing” or “security”!

Based on that actual Q/A session starts:

Question list:

  1. OSI Model
  2. Protocol Associated with each layer of the OSI Model?
  3. Difference between TCP and UDP
  4. Tell me the name of the Cyber attacks.
  5. What is meant by firewall?
  6. How firewall Work?
  7. Difference between vulnerability and threats?
  8. Spelling of “Phishing”?
  9. Tell me the name of the encryption-decryption algorithm.
  10. Explain RSA
  11. Explain DNS
  12. Tell me which kind of security attack you face in day-to-day life – Dos/ Ddos.
  13. Tell me your understanding of Networking. What do you learn in networking?
  14. Which protocol is associated with the Application Layer?
  15. What is meant by cloud computing?
  16. Tell the advantages and disadvantages of the cloud.
  17. Which companies provide cloud services and what name of their cloud platforms?
  18. Explain SaaS PaaS, and IaaS and give an example
  19. Is there any other service other than SaaS, PaaS, or IaaS?
  20. How do you protect your data transfer?
  21. Explain the Man In the Middle attack.
  22. Any Questions for us?

The first round is completed in 30-40 min. After that, I’m waiting for the result in the seminar hall (seating/waiting area). Near about 2 hrs later I got a call from a volunteer for technical Round 2. Out of 88 students, 17 students were shortlisted for the second technical round.

Technical Round 2:

This Round was taken by a senior manager who has experience of near about 20+ years.

Question List :

  1. Tell me about yourself.
  2. Why do you want to join TCL?

Related questions

In 20 min this round ended. And in 1 hr finally, I called for hr round, only 6 students had gone for the last round.

HR Round:

  1. Tell me about yourself and your family background.
  2. Tell me about the company and the company’s products.
  3. Why do you want to work with TATA Communications?
  4. Any plan of higher studies?
  5. If I ask you one of your friends, that tells me about “Avinash”, So what do they tell me according to you?
  6. There is a night shift once a month, so are you ok with that?
  7. What is your father’s occupation?
  8. If you are from a developing background then why are you interested in a management role?
  9. How many acres of farm/ land do you have?
  10. Any question?

After all this Round they Declare that all six students are SELECTED!!

Written BY Avinash Wani