TCS Digital Interview Experience for System Engineer

It was an incredible experience to be part of such a smooth and excellent recruitment process. I got to learn one most prominent thing from this interview, that an interview is nothing but actually a discussion about your skills and previous learnings. 

At the very beginning, they asked me to show my identity proof and other related documents. It took almost 5 min. 

Technical Round: They started directly with a technical interview. 

  • They asked me to explain my knowledge of the python language. 
  • Then they asked me to explain my projects and all the other works I did in my engineering.
  •  Then, they gave me a hashing question Find different numbers of vowels in a given string. 
  • Then they started asking questions about TCS like
    • How many employees are there
    • Who is the current chairman?
    • Who is the chairman of the TATA group?
    • and many other questions related to TATA groups and TCS.

HR Round: Then the HR round started. Here, they asked me the following questions

  • Will I be able to work with different technologies, 
  • Will I be able to relocate?
  • Will I be perusing any Master’s Degree?
  • and more similar questions.
  • And almost after 20 minutes after the interview, they informed me, that I will get a mail with my result very soon, they congratulated me and my interview ended there.

Within one week, I got my offer letter.  I will be joining TCS very soon.