TCS Placement Paper | Email Writing Question 10

Pre-requisite: Procedure to E-mail Writing
This is a TCS model placement email-writing question. It covers the important directions along with a sample solution to the question.


  1. Use all the phrases given.
  2. Minimum words should be 70 otherwise your email cannot be validated.
  3. Addressing and signing should be done as in the question given.
  4. Common grammatical rules, punctuation should be according to standard English.
  5. You can use your own phrases along with the phrases given.

As your company is doing good business and expanding, your company is relocating its office to a new address. Using the following phrases, write an email with a minimum of 70 words and a maximum of 100 words to your customer informing the change in address.


near outer ring road - shifting to - bigger office space - November 10 -
change in telephone number - new address is provided below - fourth floor - 
Cessna Business Park.

Solution – Sample E-mail:

Dear All,
It gives a pleasure in announcing the expansion of this company, a sign of growing business and increasing clientele. For a better productivity result, we are relocating the company and shifting to a bigger office space from November 10th onwards. New facilities and amenities shall be installed along with modern state of art amenities. There has been a change in telephone number along with the new address is provided below:
Fourth Floor, Cessna Business Park(Near Outer Ring Road), Noida.
Phone: 1234567890
Please make a note of this to serve our clients better.
Thanks and Regards

Note: You can write your own versions of e-mail keeping in mind the points needed to be taken care of while an e-mail. Refer Procedure to E-mail Writing.